Patience, grasshopper!

Dec 01, 2010 12:24

I have been meaning to rant on the subject of the asshats at our park where we do karate every Sunday. I head there in good spirits, but then as we approach I remember what happens every week: Dogs, sports fans, and stupidity.

Let me splain...

First off, this park has leash law signs all over the place. Other than the fact that unattended dogs run off and crap while their owners aren't looking, it's also because it is not a sealed park. The fence ends at a hill and dogs can go around it into the neighborhood. They can also go up the hill onto other properties or get lost in the rest of the park, which is quite big. One lady brings a giant poodle and every week without fail the beast takes off and does a tour of the park while she helplessly calls after him/her. Eventually it makes a loop of the grounds and pops up behind her. Does she learn? Nope. Keeps taking the leash off.

Another couple, who have a new child to my horror, have a dog called, Bowie. Bowie is a rapist. If other dogs are around, he will hump them. It is a fact. They don't seem to care. A city-sponsored soccer camp set up their class at the park for a few weeks, and Bowie stole cones and harassed the kids. Everytime Bowie does one of these antics, his powerless owners just shout his name. Over and over. The whole time they are there. And he is also one of the dogs who craps away while his they talk football or baseball statistics with other clueless owners of beasts. I'm all for geeking out over a subject...we had a group of nerds spazzing out over Dr. Who last night in our living room. But they don't quiz each other on obscure historical statistics. And they don't say 'we' when talking about it. Like, "We're doing terrible this season," or "We need to pull our shti together to win," etc. Sorry, douche-hat, but you aren't on the team. I'm sure you may have had dreams to do so when you were twenty years younger, but it ain't happenin'. You have no affiliation whatsoever with anyone involved in the team or game. There is no we. There is them and you, the spectator. It's like the Who-natics talking about Tennant and Moffet and saying, "We need to really make the Doctor more sympathetic," or "We need to have him fight more Daleks!" They may want these things to happen, but they realize they aren't part of the team. They are viewers and fans. God, I hate that shit.

Then, there's the gate to the park. It broke a couple months ago and doesn't click closed anymore. One of the douche-nozzle dog owners went, "How are we supposed to keep the dogs in?" to which somebody actually replied, "Well, it's not a dog park." Finally, somebody noticed. So, two weeks ago, we got to the park and the gate was tied with a trash bag. We said, "Are you fucking kidding me?" and ripped it off. They went and tied it with something else while I loudly repeated my weekly mantra of, "Hey, maybe a leash would help." I've thought about making a cloth copy of the leash law sign and pinning it to the back of my gi during training. I just keep forgetting. And I've looked into who I can possibly NARC to about it ("Come to the park at 11am any Sunday...I was never here, we never had this conversation."), but I only get the LAPD webpage and useless info. Meh!

Sorry, just had to vent. It's been building up for months, obviously. Every class is a lesson in patience and tolerance. I realize I shouldn't be concerned, as they rarely interfere with our training. I am like a bored housewife who bitches about her neighbors, huh? I am not proud.


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