multifandom recs [supernatural, american gods/supernatural crossover, white collar]

Feb 10, 2010 17:04

Fandom : Supernatural
Title : Bat Country
Author : ishafel
Rating : M
Characters & Pairings : Ellen Harvelle; Ellen/Bill Harvelle/John Winchester
Length : short
Warnings : none
Summary : Billy was always the one in the middle.
My Rave Review : i absolutely adore ellen's POV in this fic. it's sexy and dry and bittersweet, it really feels like ellen at every word and has the same ambience as the show, too. her protectiveness of jo, the way she's torn between bill and john without actually being torn at all, her determination and inner strength-- it's just perfect, IMO. definitely influenced my own john/ellen tendencies and made me want to read more fic about all three of the characters. :3

Fandom : White Collar
Title : Slash Cliche series : Devil in a Blue Dress, Confidence Man, Just Like In the Movies, Pay Grade and Blind/Dates.
Author : captanddeastar
Rating : t through e
Characters & Pairings : Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke; all five are Neal/Peter
Length : all are about medium length
Warnings : none
Summary : five fics based on classic slash cliches : cross-dressing, sex pollen, stuck together, undercover gay and matchmaking.
My Rave Review : deastar has done a fantastic job of proving that just because something is a cliche doesn't mean that it can't still be a valid plot device. i really can't rave enough about how vividly she writes both description and emotion. it's the thing that makes everything she writes so addictive-- everyone's written perfectly in character and you're really right there with everyone emotionally as the story goes along. and each of these fics shows a really adorable and believable premise for how neal and peter might go about realizing (and in some cases acknowledging) their feelings for each other. the fact that i could see every one of these tropes actually being used in an episode of the show is just an added bonus.

Fandom : White Collar
Title : Jack of Diamonds
Author : captanddeastar
Rating : M
Characters & Pairings : Neal Caffrey, Peter and Elizabeth Burke; Neal/Peter
Length : 8500 words
Warnings : off-screen non-con as a major focus of story, may be triggery
Summary : Neal goes back to prison for two weeks following a shooting at the scene of a crime. When he comes home, Peter and Elizabeth help put him back together.
My Rave Review : as with the other series of deastar's i recced, one of the best parts about this fic is that i can see it (or the premise of it at least) happening on the show. it starts off with a bang, literally, and moves forward with an awesome build so you really can't stop reading. indignant elle and resourceful peter are awesome, and the evil OC that peter has to make a deal with is downright creepy. but mostly the thing i love about this fic is how the way the three main characters deal with the situation shows more about them and their relationships-- it's not just about this crisis, it's about who they are and that deastar knows them well enough to use a scary painful situation to delve deeper into their characters. there's nothing i can even quote to show how great it is, because the whole fic is such a cohesive thing that it's hard to separate even a favorite part. it's just really amazing, i love the way deastar writes neal and both of the burkes, and it's such a satisfying read.

Fandom : Supernatural / American Gods crossover
Title : Dust in the Wind
Author : lyra_wing
Rating : T
Characters & Pairings : Sam & Dean Winchester, Shadow, Anansi/Mr. Nancy
Length : medium
Warnings : none
Summary : Everything around them was changing, but they weren't.
My Rave Review : this fic blows my mind. essentially it's about how sam and dean become the gods of demon hunters. it's got enough of each canon to satisfy fans of both, and somehow it manages to feel like a perfect fit in either or both. it's got the badassery and brotherhood of supernatural and the sense of history and spiritualism that always makes me think of american gods. Anansi's just a small man, but if Sam looks at him out of the corner of his eye, he can see a spider sitting there. If Sam looks out of the corner of his other eye, he can see a large dark spirit with no shape or form. Anansi is more than the way he chooses to appear.

"I think that… there's a place for everything, and everyone," says Sam. "If you two are still here, that means people still believe in you. I don't think it's worth fighting over."

Shadow nods. Anansi slaps his knee, delighted, and says, "I knew I liked you kids. You're my kind of guys, you know?" He points a finger at Shadow. "Even your father believed in them, in his own way."

"Everyone in this country does," says Shadow. "It's hard not to."
i won't belabor the point but the author is just brilliant and the story is beautiful, and if you are familiar with either canon you should check it out, it will definitely make your day.

white collar, rated t, rated m, !betweenthebliss, supernatural, cliche, gaiman, crossover, american gods

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