Woman-centric Star Trek Recs

Feb 21, 2010 15:04

All of these are ficlets from where_no_woman's latest drabble fest, whose responses I have here in this post. Please forgive the lack of this community's traditional headers; since these fics are on the short side, the header would actually be longer than they are! All fics are rated PG, save for one, and relevant warnings are included in its description.

It Could Have Happened. It Had to Happen. by captaincadet for the tactical offier on the Kelvin. I think this amazing line sums it up: "The most important thing she learned [from Starfleet] was how to die."

It Could Have Happened... by marymac featuring Uhura. A brief and beautiful look at Nyota Uhura in two universes, how they stayed the same and how different timelines created different lives.

The Dance by taraljc featuring Gaila and not!Gaila. This is the story of the four Orion women in Starfleet, how their lives were defined by stereotypes and the Syndicate, and how they worked their way around that.

Our bodies are not so much immortal as expendable by tinocka featuring Gaila. A small but powerful snapshot of Gaila's life before Starfleet and how she survived by learning to live outside her body. Warning for references to sexual slavery.

This fest has no time limit, so if you spot a prompt that intrigues you, feel free to write a response!

star trek xi, rated t, !igrockspock

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