two fic recs [star trek xi, rated e]

Feb 07, 2010 23:46

Fandom : Star Trek
Title : and this great blue world of ours seems a house of leaves moments before the wind
Author : mortigi_tempo @ dreamwidth
Rating : m for mild horror and language, eventual e for sex
Characters & Pairings : Kirk, Spock, McCoy; eventual Kirk/Spock
Length : 18,750 words over 8 chapters
Warnings : psychological trauma, language, eventual explicit sex (and the author's journal layout has a rather creepy animated banner...)
Summary : Some labyrinths exist in the mind only, and not all minotaurs are wicked despite initial impressions.
My Rave Review : it's hard to describe what this fic is, to be honest. i was too young to really appreciate mark danielewksi's 'house of leaves' when i read it, so it's difficult for me to explain concisely how awesomely intense and creepy this fic is. the author has managed to put jim kirk through the crazy shit that happens in the book and make it totally believable, and part of how she's done it is to incorporate the pictures and images from the book into the fic. also, she's put together an extensive soundtrack to the fic, carefully chosen to complement the writing.

and lest i forget to mention the writing, oh my god. mortigi_tempo really knows what she's about; kirk's POV here is stellar, she doesn't waste a word and yet manages to put me right inside his head and his heart-- which, given the context of the fic, was a really weird place to be sometimes. spock and mccoy are written pretty much perfectly too, and the way the plot progresses is twisted and riveting. also, the sex is ridiculously hot (never hurts, right?) and such a satisfying resolution to the story. i don't want to give too many details because i don't want any part of the fic to be spoiled for those inclined to read it (and it's so long idk how i'd even go about choosing what passages to quote), but suffice to say if you've read the book, or if you're a fan of trek, or better yet both, you need to read this amazing, engrossing, complex and intricate fic right the heck now!

Title : If You Don't Start Drinking (I'm Gonna Leave)
Author : robanybody
Rating : e for language and sex
Characters & Pairings : George Kirk / Christopher Pike
Length : medium
Warnings : none
Summary : It all starts because Pike loses a bet.
My Rave Review : the author makes reference to "James Potter George Kirk and his general fratboy charm"; this story is basically about the effect that said charm has on one chris pike. kirk, pike, robert april and francis reed make awesome marauders, and i will never not be weak for fic that makes me laugh my ass off. also, there's Las Vegas, which is full of hilarity just on principle. george's antics in vegas are such a great foreshadow to a lot of the hijinks we see from jim in the movie, and similar to a lot of craziness we see from jim in fic, and it's really awesome to see that sort of parallelism. "Look," Chris says reasonably, or as close to reasonable as he can get considering that his eye is twitching from the aggravation right now, "we can do anything else you want, just not Vegas, all right?"

"Why do you hate fun, Chris?" George asks sadly. "What has fun ever done to you?"

"Fun leads me to all sorts of awkward situations, like the Admiral's office or lockdown or the back of a police cruiser." He glares at George. "Remember?"

George smiles fondly at the memory. "Oh, yeah. That was a fun night."
but mostly i'm drawn to this fic for the same reasons i was always really drawn to marauder-era fic in HP fandom; i love to read about the genesis of things, about the stories that led up to the stories the canon tells. one of the best things about robanybody's fic is how layered the writing is; there's a story, and then there's a sense of the larger story, the place that the fic holds and how it fits into the characters' lives as a whole. i love all of her fic so much, but this is one of my favorites.

star trek xi, crossover, !betweenthebliss

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