Female-centric Star Trek ficlets

Jan 09, 2010 16:32

All of these come from where_no_woman's New Year Drabble Fest, which is still accepting responses if you feel inspired. All of these are ficlets, with one exception which I have noted below. Forgive the omission of this comm's traditional header; for so many very small stories, it didn't seem to make sense. betweenthebliss let me know if that's a problem! All fics are rated teen, and none have particular warnings attached.

It is the saddest night... by merisunshine36 - Amanda in her first and last moments on Vulcan

Not a Ghost Story by tosca1390 - A beautiful 3500 word fic that somehow comments on all the Winona fanon without feeling overly meta or contrived. Winona is a three-dimensional human being and mother, well-intentioned and realistically flawed, trying her best to save her boy and just not knowing how

What can you say about a 25-year-old girl who died? by florahart - Gaila, not talking about her dead mother, with Jim, who is not talking about his dead father.

Snow and Raspberries by framlingem - Madeline, that exceptionally cool-looking alien on the bridge, finding small things to love about Earth

When my third grade teacher told us the universe was infinite and endless... by shaxophile - fic for an unnamed space lady living her last moments in the vacuum of outer space. Not graphic, but obvious character death.

A Truth Universally Acknowledged by tosca1390 - Leonard had always wanted to be married; Jocelyn had always wanted freedom

star trek xi, rated t, !igrockspock, rated m

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