boundary conditions [white collar, rated M/E]

Jan 11, 2010 12:16

Fandom : White Collar
Title : Boundary Conditions
Author : fahye, art by lizardspots
Rating : M / E (depending on your porn thermostat, as the author says ;))
Characters & Pairings : Neal/Peter/Elizabeth
Length : 6342 words
Warnings : light D/s and bondage kink
Summary : Peter knows how to set his hands against Neal's boundaries and see how far they'll move.
My Rave Review :

i know i'm not alone in noticing the D/s overtones in neal and peter's relationship-- at least, if you've ever seen even half an episode of white collar, i better not be alone-- and while i'm not always in the mood for that to be the focus of a story, i am unfailingly interested in stories that deal with how peter being a control freak about neal affects his relationship with both neal and elle. this fic is brilliant because it's many things: first off, and the part that hooked me in-- it's quite a telling look at peter, how he deals with the world and with people, where neal fits into that picture, and what peter's had to do to make neal fit into it.
If he bothered to analyse it, Peter would say that it's less about controlling action and more about security of knowledge. A crime has motive and method, but a crime has already been committed by the time it falls across his desk and demands his attention, and Peter Burke considers himself an expert in what happens next.
it's also a great peek into peter and elle's marriage. it's rare that i find an OT3 that i ship just as hard as one of the pairings therein (or put differently, a ship where the addition of a third person doesn't change the intensity of the ship dynamic) but seriously, elle is amazing and she and peter make an awesomely adorably sexy couple. i love how well they know each other, i love how sassy and adventurous she is, and i love how open she is to actually bringing neal into their life-- i wouldn't be able to buy that from a lot of characters, which is why long-term poly relationships are hard to get right, but it's done perfectly here, and elle is a big part of the reason why.
"Oh, sweetie." Her smile goes wicked. "Seven years of Neal Caffrey's ghost hanging around our house, six months of the two of you living in each other's pockets, and you only now think to bring up the subject of jealousy?"
and of course, the neal/peter is perfect. perfect, i say! the story is told from peter's point of view, and you really feel the depth of his feelings for neal, frustration and admiration and affection and desire. the contrast between their familiarity and the unspoken tension between them is gorgeous; the author does a great job of showing why peter has no qualms about poking and prodding neal into a shape that allows him to fit into peter's life. the author transitions seamlessly between the power play that goes on between them on the surface and the way peter takes that dynamic to an intimate level-- it's stunning.
Neal sits, as casually and flirtatiously as he ever does anything; crosses his legs and makes himself comfortable and keeps looking, looking, always looking at Peter with that breathless question written plain across his face. So many things are possible in the potential space of what-happens-next, a multitude of orders blossoming frantically into a tree of choices. Peter considers them: Come here. Hold out your wrists. Kneel down. Tell me the truth, the whole truth.
and then peter brings neal home as a birthday present for elle. XDDDDDDD there is also bonus fanart by the inestimable lizardspots, and you should click the above link for that alone. BUT if you are even a little bit into this fandom, you should read this story, because it is brilliant.

[a modly note to reccers : if there are ever any extraneous tags (genre, kink type, etc) that you want added to a post, just use the "!need a tag" tag and put a note at the bottom for what you want added. and if you haven't gone and done the introduction post, please do, when you get a chance. <3!]

white collar, illustrated, ot3, rated m, !betweenthebliss, rated e, kink, bondage

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