inclusively players [slings & arrows, geoffrey/darren, e]

Jan 07, 2010 21:56

Fandom : Slings & Arrows
Title : Inclusively Players
Author : petronelle
Rating : explicit
Characters & Pairings : Geoffrey Tennant/Darren Nichols
Length : 15,000 words
Warnings : none
Summary : Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, both staged by and starring Darren Nichols and Geoffrey Tennant, March 3-8, 1981. Call 555-3954 or visit the university box office for ticket information.
My Rave Review :

stripedpetunia and I were talking about Slings & Arrows in the comments to the introduction post, and seriously, you guys, if you haven't seen Slings & Arrows, it is brilliant and wonderful and pretty much my platonic ideal of a television show. Also it is only 18 episodes! And it has Paul Gross! There's not nearly enough fic for it, IMO, but petronelle has some great stories, and this is my favorite. In fact, if you know Stoppard's Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead but not Slings & Arrows, you can still read this story! It is pre-canon!

I am about as crazy about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead as I am about Slings & Arrows, and this is really a story about both; both are meta-Shakespeare, funny and wicked and smart and a little fantastical. The Geoffrey and Darren in this story are different -- younger, a little more carefree, not quite as crazy, but complicated and quarrelsome nonetheless -- than the Geoffrey and Darren on the show; I like this version of their backstory. Most of all, I like the banter. And the theater. And the banter about theater. And the banter about theater in bed.

"One could make a valid textual argument that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are fucking like weasels."

Geoffrey rolled his eyes. "You left your glasses on the table." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Which scene were we working on?"

Darren frowned at the non sequitur before it made sense. "Ah. Questions."

"Statement." Geoffrey grinned at him and left.

rated e, !olivia-circe, slings and arrows

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