Change, Change, Change

Oct 19, 2014 16:11

Since I've banned myself from the journal I write on my computer, LJ is my last resort because I know it's like pulling teeth sometimes to get me to post here about personal things but I started this LJ for therapy so I should continue what I started since it helped before. I seem to feel better this weekend. I did my weekly quiz ahead of time. I'm more chipper than usual.

I also did a splurge buy for a new iPad mini case. The case that I had been eying is no longer available but there might be some new ones by the same company with the announcement of the new iPad mini 3. The case I got now was one of those Moleskine ones with a notebook, which I found on sale for less than half price. The only thing I don't like about it is that it forces me to use my iPad in the portrait orientation rather than landscape like I usually do. On the bright side of that, it did force me to go through more of my school material because that orientation is best for reading rather than everything else I like to do on my iPad.

I've started writing again. It's another GK fic, an updated version really of Jiarenqu. I shouldn't be surprised as GK and ATLA were what really integrated me into the modern age of fandom. Before that, while I dabbled in DBZ and read other anime fanfic, I wasn't really as integrated into fandom as I am now. Jiarenqu originally a Haagasu/Takiko fic but I later changed it into an AU since it seemed more interesting of putting Rimudo as the bad guy. In my notes, this fic is really Jiarenqu 3.0; that's how many times I've redone the plot.

I don't know when I'll post the story but at the moment, I'm just happy that I'm writing it.

genbu kaiden, fic napkin notions

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