Nothing Goes My Way

Feb 04, 2011 15:20

Okay, I've been told by a few people (in ALL of the reviews) on FFN that I should continue this and that it can't remain a one-shot, like I had intended. 
I just want to know... It is really THAT good? Geez, it's not even 400 words!! xD

What do you guys think?

Hidan’s attention snapped towards the door as it clicked open. His eyes narrowed immediately as he noticed that Kakuzu brought in another whore - another, as in this has happened numerous (almost too many) times. He would watch as she stumbled into their room, obviously intoxicated and supporting a heavy aroma of alcohol. Hidan would watch, with hungry eyes - hungry for her spilt blood - as she giggled and gently grabbed the stitch-nin’s hand, dragging him quickly with drunken steps towards their room. Hidan paid no mind to the woman. She wasn’t worth his time - even though violent images of her several options of slaughter ran through his head - his focus was on the foreboding man that followed her.

Hidan glowered at the man and inwardly hate as he followed her. He wanted nothing but that bitch to be absolutely butchered by his own scythe. Watch as the blood would spray everywhere and laugh. Laugh at her impending demise and how she had it coming to her.

There would always be a moment however, when emerald eyes met magenta, and Hidan could feel something between them - he could never name it, no matter how hard he tried, but it was there. Like some kind of connection or communication of sorts. He could never comprehend what he was trying to convey through the look, but Hidan would always look away. Just because he wanted to understand what Kakuzu was trying to say, didn’t mean he wanted Kakuzu to see through him. Looking at any other place but at him, trying to cover his anger, his frustration, his want.

The girl’s slightly muffled laughter from beyond the door made Hidan’s fists clench. He closed his eyes, trying futilely to block out the noises; simply to pretend that she wasn’t there. So it could be just the two of them. Just them.

The door finally clicked shut, and Hidan would grind his teeth. He will never get what he wants. Jashin is no longer enough.

kakuhida, fic, oneshot

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