I've Been Considering Things That Begin with the Letter "M"...

Feb 05, 2011 22:11

 ... 'M'y interest in the relationship of Kakuzu and Hidan.

[I'm just going to say this now: This journal is just me rambling about things on my mind. Not really that important, just what I was thinking about earlier today and now.
My thoughts will go EVERYWHERE in this, I can already tell...]

As I was reading comments on dA earlier on a few random deviations, I was seeing some interesting conversations about their relationship and started to think, "Well, they're totally wrong!"

But as I thought about it more throughout the afternoon, I began to realize that they have a point.

One subject being the "role" each man plays in the relationship. I mean, I prefer Kakuzu being dominant (for numerous reasons; his size, his attitude towards Hidan, how he always has control over situations, etc), but I do realize that there is HidaKaku out there, and I started to question myself as to why I thought it was "weird" that Hidan was dominant. I realized later, after a LOT of thinking, that I actually don't mind it all that much.

The only thing is... Where do people draw the line? What I'm saying is that although Hidan is younger, impulsive, and actually joined Akatsuki because of Kakuzu, doesn't mean he is a defenseless and helpless child. I see this constantly in stories where Hidan is portrayed as a very submissive and codependent person, and can't do anything without Kakuzu by his side, holding his hand and guiding him through like a lost toddler. I don't know about you, but I happen to love Hidan being the defiant, bold, outgoing and foul-mouthed priest we all know and love. :) And because of those reason, I can consider that Hidan may be dominant in the relationship every once in a while.

Then came the all deciding subject: Rauhreif. (and for the sake of not saying Rauhreif every two words, I'll be putting 'she' instead) 
To me, she is a very controversial subject among us KakuHida fans. I mean, she is probably the most popular doujinka out there for the couple as far as I know and is most well known for her works, Body Buddy 1/2, where Hidan is completely submissive throughout both doujin. Yes, I personally do NOT like that fact - Hidan is a feisty and bold character who does not let others win him over - but I do love the art. She has a very great gift of drawing proportional anatomy (*jealous*), and is an all-around great drawer.
However, the fact that her perspective of their relationship is mainly consisting of Kakuzu being completely dominant and raping Hidan 99% of the time is appalling to some people. I mean, if that's the way she reads their relationship, then fine, more power to her. But I think what people do not understand is that as the doujin go on, their relationship changes. For example, look at Body Buddy - nonstop smut throughout the entire doujin. But look at Red Rain; COMPLETELY different. Look at My Dear 80 Years and A Kiss From Hell, too. These are examples of the different view on her relationship, how Kakuzu isn't that mindless sadistic man that they know him from in BB 1/2. Yes, he is a controlling man who is intimidating and threatening, but he isn't as out-of-control as he was in BB. He is changing throughout the doujin, so maybe her perspective of him is changing as well...? You never know. Mine did - DRASTICALLY!

One other topic that could be discussed is Hidan himself. 
1. Go to FFN, dA, or wherever else you read your stories for them (if you do). Look up any random KakuHida story.
2. Now, pay close attention to the way Hidan acts.
3. Now watch the anime. 
Do you notice a difference? A MAJOR difference? Hidan is not a teen who cuts himself behind the school for attention. He doesn't inflict pain upon himself because he's bored and feels like it. Hidan isn't a masochist all day and all night. 
I feel like in 90% of those stories, you could put anyone else in there, add the word Jashin in there a few times, and BAM it's Hidan. Don't get me wrong; I'm sure you could do that with my stories too! I simply want to be clear that in my opinion (and just because it's my opinion, doesn't mean I'm telling you that your perspective of Hidan is wrong pr anything) Hidan is a twisted, crazy, insane and a messed-up-in-the-head priest. Now I have a feeling you might be wondering, "Well, actually yes, Hidan IS a masochist!" Well, I'm afraid that this isn't 100% true. He only enjoys the pain when he's sharing it with someone else. Not whenever Kakuzu stabs him with his pike of when he breaks his bones or cuts himself. That would hurt, just like you or me doing that. I get a little irritated when I see that Hidan enjoys every single drop of pain he receives. And I guarantee that this is also evident in my stories as well. I'm FAR from the perfect writer.
Okay, I better stop now... My eyes are getting tired from looking at this screen and I have HW that I'm still putting off... Whoops. x)

I honestly don't know where this all came from. I mean, yeah, I have a LOT more to say about this, but for my time's sake, I'll wait until another time to delve into this even more. :) I do love talking about this subject (why I love these two so much), but until then, I'm just gonna leave this where it's at.

Soooooooo, yeah. Sorry if I totally wasted your time with this rambling journal. Oh, and if you're going to comment and say how I'm wrong, I will read it, I might reply (because I try my best to consider everyone's opinions and thought towards any subject), but if you're going to bask me for what I like, well just click the back button and *whoosh* all of your problems are gone.

I have no idea why I wrote that........... Oh dear, I'm getting tired.............

Maybe I should just close my eyes for a few minutes.

Until next time. <3

kakuhida, rambling, rant, thoughts

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