My Shampoo container didn't lie...this time.

Sep 23, 2012 18:04

I use Lush's BIG shampoo.  And my hair felt really, really scuzzy when I got in the shower tonight, so I decided to wash it twice.  The first time, everything went as... normal.  The second time, for reasons I fail to understand since I was using the same pot of shampoo, the shampoo EXPLODED on my head.  I mean, this stuff doesn't typical foam up a lot.  That's not its selling point.  Yet, when I used it again, I felt like I'd dumped an ENTIRE CAN of mousse on my head.  I mean, it was ridiculous and it took, I don't know, eight minutes or so to rinse completely out.  (This probably due to the sucktastic water pressure I have lately.)  How freaking bizarre.  Anyway between that and a ton of Lush conditioner and my hair (while still wet) is kind of amazing right now.

Okay... now the Emmys are on.  And I have to do lesson plans.  And the ferrets want out.  (This is me stalling... lesson plans suck.)

weird, domesticity

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