Jan 11, 2010 12:54
Had ideas for an oil painting the past week so I finally put my room in some semblance of order (art supplies on the floor instead of clothes and books) and set up the easel. Pulled out the oil paints and quickly realized a few things...
* oil paints take too frickin' long to dry
* i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing
* it's hard to work with the kids yammering in the next room
* kids say the most *interesting* things when they're playing with each other, it's really fascinating
I have been considering my own NaNoWriMo this year. I don't like writing all that much because I think I'm more an editor at heart, and I nitpick myself to death. But the idea of just clacking out 50k words in 30 days appeals, like an enema for my brain - just squirt it out and worry about the quality later (apologies to the Baroness). I want to order the book the guy who came up with it wrote about it, because I really have no idea how to go about it with writing. With painting, though, I think I could use the same idea. Just crank it out and don't care too much about what happens. So perhaps I should start a 30-day Art Purge. Not entirely sure what sort of quantity I'd do - one per day, maybe? I'd learn a lot and I'd finally burn through all of these supplies I've have lying about for (literally) years. Help take my mind off jobsearch crap, too.