what a twist [complete/closed]

Oct 28, 2008 23:33

Characters: Abarai Renji [hoerozabimaru], Asano Keigo [hollowphobic]
Setting: the Entrance
Time: idk daytime
Summary: Renji and Keigo arrive. Hijinks ensue.
Warnings: Swearing

shocking! )

!day 003, abarai renji (bleach), !complete, asano keigo (bleach)

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Comments 11

hollowphobic October 29 2008, 06:11:24 UTC

He didn't entirely remember falling asleep, or doing much of anything that could suggest waking up in a strange, unfamiliar place, but he supposed with what had been going on lately, anything was possible. That strange Urahara man had been talking about something and to be honest, everything was just moving too fast too soon for Keigo's tastes ( ... )


hoerozabimaru October 31 2008, 04:32:49 UTC
Renji might not have noticed the voice normally, but the place was so unsettlingly quiet that the small sound caught his attention immediatly. He turned around, Zabimaru at the ready, but he stilled to a stop when he saw who it was.

A kid? Renji kept his blade up for a moment longer before he noticed what the other person was wearing. That uniform.. it was the same one they wore in Ichigo's school. So that meant.. but what was one of his classmates doing here? And what was this guy's name anyway? Had he even met him?

Brown hair, skinny as a stick, nervous look about him...

"Hey!" Renji finally blurted out without thinking, "you're that kid from the classroom!" The one Ikkaku had yelled at, but what had happened to him? Maybe it was better not to ask. "What the hell're you doing here?" Suddenly, despite not knowing where they were, it seemed strange that this kid should be here too.


hollowphobic October 31 2008, 08:23:42 UTC
Keigo blinked and watched as the redhead turned around, brandishing a very intimidating sword, to which Keigo flinched and held his hands up. "EEEE!! D-d-d-d-d-d-don't! I come in peace!!" The freshest memories of Shinigami that Keigo had in his mind were those of Ikkaku-san whacking him upside the head with a bokken, so Keigo's automatic assumption was that all Shinigami must have some weird violent streak about them ( ... )


hoerozabimaru November 3 2008, 17:44:36 UTC
Renji tried to not roll his eyes and failed before he brought Zabimaru down to re-sheath him. The human looked like he was about to have a heart attack over something as little as his sword being out, and it would have been amusing if Renji wasn't wondering where the hell they were ( ... )


hollowphobic November 11 2008, 04:03:02 UTC
Keigo watched with care as the Shinigami re-sheathed the sword and when it was put away, he sighed deeply. That took a lot off of him, but the situation in general wasn't. He didn't know where he was, so he had hoped that this Shinigami would.

"Y-yeah! Urahara-san! That was his name!" He said with a nod. The talk of this "Hueco Mundo," however, left Keigo a bit confused. "E-eh?? W-what's that?? Is that the place that hole leads to? And why was Ichigo going there??" Clearly Keigo had a plethora of unanswered questions and no idea how to find the truth, considering that no one wanted to tell him.

As the Shinigami told him that it wasn't Hell, Keigo, once again, sighed deeply, relieved. "G-g-good. I d-don't want to be dead, ahahaha.." He murmured, putting a hand up to his forehead. But, when the Shinigami told him to stand up again, Keigo nodded sharply, jerking up to his feet with a slight stumble, "Y-y-yes, Shinigami-san!" He plastered on a nervous smile, pushing some hair out of his face. "B-but, if this isn't Hell, where is it?"


hoerozabimaru November 12 2008, 06:06:27 UTC
Renji reached up to scratch at his ear absently while the human started to ask questions, not really all that interested in answering them. Still, it seemed like this guy was nervous as fuck, and maybe it would calm him down enough so he didn't do anything stupid. "It's the place where the Hollows live. Place is boring as shit." He thought about the rest of his question for a moment before he sighed. "And it's Ichigo's business to tell you why he went there."

Renji was pleased when Keigo got up and ready to do as he asked- good, at least he wasn't going to be a brat like some people he knew. He dropped his hand and gave another look around as he thought about Keigo's next question. Yeah, just where the hell were they? This didn't look familiar in the least, and he had to assume it was in the human world somewhere.. but where? He fished around his shihakushou for his cell phone and came up empty. Fuck. Did he lose it in Hueco Mundo ( ... )


hollowphobic November 12 2008, 08:24:13 UTC
Keigo listened to what the Shinigami had to say about the Hueco Mundo place and his expression turned to one of worry. "... B-but.. Hollows.. are those things .. those things Ikkaku-san fought..!" His brow knit. "I-Ichigo.. he'll get hurt...!" Keigo's fingers wrung at the ends of his sweater nervously, opening his mouth to say more when the Shinigami informed him that he would have to ask Ichigo himself about the matter. To that, Keigo looked back down. "...He's not going to tell me anything ( ... )


hoerozabimaru November 18 2008, 06:19:33 UTC
Renji blinked at how Keigo set about worrying for Ichigo, and for a moment he forgot that he probably had no idea how strong Ichigo was. For a moment he just looked at Keigo in confusion before he rolled his eyes. "That kid can look out for himself. He's dealt with worse than Hollows." Might not have been the best thing to say to Keigo, but it wasn't like he knew any better. He didn't reply to the end tail of Keigo's response- it wasn't any of his business what Ichigo chose to tell his friends ( ... )


hollowphobic November 18 2008, 06:54:36 UTC
Keigo blinked as the Shinigami spoke of Ichigo's apparent ability and he felt his stomach sink. "...really..?" He said quietly, almost meekly. He wasn't exactly seeking an answer--for once--mostly because the Shinigami already made it pretty clear that he wasn't going to explain anything to Keigo. He stared down for a minute, his brow knitting. He wasn't happy, that much was clear.

But, there was no real time to dwell on that. The Shinigami's remark made Keigo frown--it was more of a pout, really--and he huffed. "W-well! I thought Shinigami were supposed to be knowledgeable!" Where he got that notion from was anyone's guess, considering he had lived with Ikkaku, of all people ( ... )


hoerozabimaru November 18 2008, 07:44:17 UTC
He let the subject of Ichigo drop entirely for now, as he really didn't have many answers when it came to that topic. Hopefully they're just talk to each other or figure something out on their own, because Renji didn't want anything to do with it.

"Well usually we get briefings on where we're going, but it's not going to happen this time! I was just in Hueco Mundo before I got here, so I'm thinking this wasn't part of my mission." No need to get into how being in Hueco Mundo wasn't part of any mission ever. Hopefully that would be all sorted out by the time they left that place. "So I don't exactly have any information on this particular house we're in, alright ( ... )


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