what a twist [complete/closed]

Oct 28, 2008 23:33

Characters: Abarai Renji [hoerozabimaru], Asano Keigo [hollowphobic]
Setting: the Entrance
Time: idk daytime
Summary: Renji and Keigo arrive. Hijinks ensue.
Warnings: Swearing

shocking! )

!day 003, abarai renji (bleach), !complete, asano keigo (bleach)

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hollowphobic November 12 2008, 08:24:13 UTC
Keigo listened to what the Shinigami had to say about the Hueco Mundo place and his expression turned to one of worry. "... B-but.. Hollows.. are those things .. those things Ikkaku-san fought..!" His brow knit. "I-Ichigo.. he'll get hurt...!" Keigo's fingers wrung at the ends of his sweater nervously, opening his mouth to say more when the Shinigami informed him that he would have to ask Ichigo himself about the matter. To that, Keigo looked back down. "...He's not going to tell me anything."

After a moment, Keigo looked back up at the Shinigami as he spoke again, blinking. "..A-ah? You don't know?? B-b-but..! You're a Shinigami! You should know this stuff!" It was still plastered into Keigo's mind that Shinigami were all-knowing or some other such bullshit, and this one was not to be made an exception just yet.

But, not much longer after that, the Shinigami was walking off! Keigo flailed in place for a moment before dashing up behind him, looking rather distressed. "H-hey..! W-wait!" Once catching up, he breathed deep.

"...w-what's... what's your name, anyway? I mean, what should I call you? T-that is, I can keep calling you Shinigami-san, but I'd think that'd get confusing if another one shows up or something.. you know? Hahaha.. I mean, if we're going to be looking for a way out together, we should know each other's names, right??" Babbling was Keigo's way of expressing his nervousness, as it were.


hoerozabimaru November 18 2008, 06:19:33 UTC
Renji blinked at how Keigo set about worrying for Ichigo, and for a moment he forgot that he probably had no idea how strong Ichigo was. For a moment he just looked at Keigo in confusion before he rolled his eyes. "That kid can look out for himself. He's dealt with worse than Hollows." Might not have been the best thing to say to Keigo, but it wasn't like he knew any better. He didn't reply to the end tail of Keigo's response- it wasn't any of his business what Ichigo chose to tell his friends.

He snorted at Keigo's assumption and felt the urge to smack him with the blunt end of Zabimaru. The only thing that held him back was the uncertainty of how much it would hurt the human. "Yeah, just let me pull out my encyclopedia of everything ever."

Renji looked down the hallway briefly and grunted when he didn't see anything right away. Where the hell could they possibly be? "Abarai Renji, 6th Division Fukutaichou." He paused for a moment and glanced back at Keigo once again. "You're not armed, huh? So stick close. If we get snuck up on, it'll be easier for them to get you if you trail too far behind."


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