The Distance Between Us Ever Grows [Active/Semi-Open]

Jul 18, 2009 17:58

Characters: Shinku, Suigintou (Others may watch, but I highly doubt the two of them will even care about anyone else.)
Setting: Mirror Bedroom
Time: Day 011
Summary: Shinku revisits her sister. This time, things will be different.
Warnings: Doll-on-doll violence.

If there was anywhere Shinku would find her sister, she was sure this place would be it. The room is chilly, but the porcelain doll couldn't really register that. As easy as it was to forget she was a doll to others at times, she very much was one.

But it was like a gateway for a Rozen Maiden, so many doors. She stood, touching one of the mirrors, the surface rippling slightly with power. She hadn't brought Euphemia with her. It would be easier without her actually here. She felt bad, a bit, about manipulating the girl, but she had needed her power, her drive.

That kind of push--it was an ultimate reservoir of power and Shinku would use it to crush Suigintou. She had been given another chance, and she could only assume it was Father's hand. Father wanted her to become Alice; this proved it. Father wanted her to destroy his lesser work at all costs.

She always had known she was the superior doll. Once she had pitied Suigintou. But now, she just wanted to fulfill Father's final charge.

Stepping back, Shinku adjusted her skirt, looking at herself in the mirror.

Yes. She would become Alice.

*acedia, suigintou (rozen maiden), !day 011, shinku (rozen maiden)

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