Characters: Mio Amakura, Patchouli Knowledge
Setting: Small Library
Time: Day 011, later in the day
Summary: Mio meets Patchouli~
Warnings: FailOP. Other than that, none?
The house's little library was a pleasant place to be, Mio thought, even more now that it was no longer connected to the bridge between the two houses. It was...closer to how she remembered it initially being, secluded in it's little corner, probably only visited by those that were exploring the house and those that were interested in the literature it held.
She'd already explored the house from top-to-bottom with Zetsu earlier during the day and so it happened that it was the latter that she was had brought her here today, running her finger along the spines of one of the many shelves of books that the library held before stopping at one that interested her and pulling it off the shelf. She didn't recognize the name or author, but she knew it would be literary fiction like all the rest. It was a little odd, really, but she didn't mind. Reading was...a nice escape from the house, even if it only lasted for a little while. It was also a good way to pass the periods during the days and sometimes even the nights when Zetsu wasn't around or was just too tired or distracted to try and talk to or gently tug outside of the bedroom they shared along with Kei.
She didn't move from her spot in front of the bookcase before opening the book and worked on reading the first couple pages. She didn't want to stay here much longer, just enough to be able to determine whether or not she might like the book that she was taking. Even with the library being one of the more secluded areas of the house, for the moment she found herself not wanting to linger in the room for too long.