I am actually posting something.

Dec 06, 2007 02:22

1. Do you sleep in your bra? I wear a bra as infrequently as possible. Bras can suck my cock.

2. Do you wear thongs? I don't make a habit of it, no.

3. Have you kissed any one on your top list? Yes, 75% of them.

4. Do you have any secret fantasies? Yes. Most of them are about your butt.

5. Are you a girly girl? What the hell do you think, bitch?

6. Who was the last guy you hugged? Steven.

7. Small or large purses? I prefer one that's big enough but not too big. Kind of like my preferences in other areas...

8. Are you short? Nope.

9. would you ever do it in a public place? I have, and I would consider doing it again, but I tend to prefer privacy so that I can relax and devote my attention to what I am doing.

10. Have you ever been told your photogenic? No one would every say that. Ever.

11. Did you dress up on Halloween? Yes. I was a last-minute sorceress.

12. What would you do if someone smacked your butt? If it was anyone but Steve I would rip off their arm and smack their ass with it. Or possibly something a little less extreme.

13. Are you double jointed? Sure, whatever.

14. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? I don't think I've ever slept anywhere stranger than the back of a car or the floor.

15. Ever meet anyone you met on myspace? No one I met first on myspace, no.

16. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? God, what is up with the ass obsession?

17. Is there any type of rumor going around about you? Just the one about the goats and the mango.

18. Do you shop at Victoria’s Secret? I do occasionally, but they don't make bras big enough for me. They suck.

19. Ever kissed a girl? I dated a girl for a couple of years. So no.

20. How many guys do you think will end up reading this just because it says “girl’s survey” It won't say "girl's survey."

21. Do you remember your first French kiss? Unfortunately, yes. It makes me sad.

22. Do you remember your first boy/girl date? I'm not even sure when that would have been. I don't have the world's most traditional dating history.

23. Have you ever kissed someone your friend has kissed? Yes, but not romantically.

24. What do you think you’re best feature is? The only feature I'm always confident about and comfortable with would be my eyes.

25. Have you ever skinny dipped? Yes. It's the best way to swim.

26. What are some turn ons when it comes to the preferred sex? Steven, being like Steven, looking like Steven, speaking like Steven, being sweet and beautiful like Steven, and so on.

27. Have you ever had your heart broken? Yeah.

28. Do you believe in life after love? I'm confused.

29. Does anything annoy you? SO many things. Stupid people, for example. Also, not being able to be in the same country as my husband.

30. Thought lustfully of someone? No. Never.

Girl Confessions:

1.Are you easy and sleazy? Only once, and it was terrible and I don't ever want to do it again. It's just not my thing.

2. Have you cried at a movie theater? I do that quite frequently. I react strangely to sound sometimes, and the huge loud speakers put me into some weird kind of emotional sensory overload shock.

3. Can you put mascara on without opening my mouth? Why the hell would I open your mouth when putting on mascara? Also, I don't wear mascara. I'm allergic to it and I have nice lashes which don't need additional endowment.

4.Do you get jealous easily? Yes. Far too easily. I'm trying to work on that.

5.Do you think Johnny Depp is sexy? I do, but oddly I have never been attracted to him.

6.Do you love to laugh? Yes. It's the only way I've survived as long as I have.

7.Do you own a Spice Girls CD? I did briefly. I got it with a lot of CDs at a garage sale and then resold it. Those few days still fill me with shame.

8.Do you own a Britney Spears CD? See above.

9.Do you own a boy band CD? See above above.

10. Do you get bored watching football? God, yes.

11. Do you love skater guys/girls? I don't like to generalize people in this manner.

12. Do you love country guys/girls? See above.

13. Have you been called a brat? Yes, and I was in a lot of ways. I probably still am in some ways.

14. Do you love guys/girls that are just themselves? Of course. I don't see any point in being anyone else. It just causes unnecessary problems and complications.

15. Do you think guys/girls are confusing? Everyone is confusing. This question is confusing.

16. Lip gloss is better than lipstick? This is a statement with a question mark at the end. And both have their time and place.

17. Can't leave the house without makeup? I usually don't wear any makeup. Can't form a proper sentence?

18. Do you have a piercing? Yes... More than one, even.

19. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? I'm usually more of a listener, especially if I don't know the people I'm with very well, but when I start talking I often can't seem to stop.

20. Do you take compliments well? No. But that doesn't mean I don't greatly appreciate sincere ones.

21. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? I'd do my best. I probably know more about surviving alone in the wilderness than most people, but I don't know if I know enough to get by. I wish I did.

22. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? No.

23. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it? If it was my husband, yes. I have "gone for it" in this situation in the past. I figured that they were the one who was married and they were the one doing the pursuing, so it was their problem to deal with. That didn't turn out very well.

24. Do you like to pursue or be pursued? I like to be pursued. It makes me feel better about myself, and I don't have to worry about rejection. Somehow I always end up doing the pursuing though.

25. What was your favorite job? Working on the Gilroy Cannery Oral History project. I got to work on my own time, had a good salary, did things I was good at (writing, researching, and working with people), worked with people who I respected and who respected me, and learned quite a lot. I wish it hadn't been a temporary job.

26. How long does it take you in the shower? Ideally about a half hour. If I'm in a rush I can shower in under ten minutes though.

27. Do you think The Grudge was scary? Horrifying, given who stars in it. Just looking at the cover gives me chills. I haven't even needed to watch it yet.

28. Do you know how to play poker? I know the basics.

29. What do you wear to sleep? I don't. Unless it's really really really cold. Like if I'm in Scotland or something.

surveys, hahaha

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