Aug 25, 2006 10:12
when i'm lucky enough to get the "paris 20 minutes" magazine/newspaper in the morning i usually read it cover to cover on my way to work. i get it like once a week cause i'm usually late and they're all gone. so today i happen to get it...and what is the headline??.."chirac to send 2000 troops to lebanan." fuck.
when the fighting started i was in cannes with benjamin and i wasn't seeing guillaume, for reasons i prefer not to get into. but i sent him a text message to see if he would be sent off, and luckily he wasn't, but many of his friends were. i think they sent out 400 originally. now they're sending another 1600. that's a lot. that could be guillaume. although he did mention that because of his mission in october in senegal he wasn't going. but that might change. i'm surprised at how much i don't want him to leave. of course because it's dangerous and shit, but because i won't see him! wtf. i'm going to call him after lunch today to see what's up. that would reallllly suck. well, i guess that's the ropes when you're seeing a guy in the military.
today i'm heading straight over to leakhena's after work. i was supposed to eat over but i ended up running, and inevidably feeling like shit. i need a day off. we'll probably see a movie, although it's always hard to see a movie after a great one like "le science de reves."
so leakhena will probably come with my mom and i to prague (or seville) in october, depending on her schedule etc. that should be fun.
sam called me last night and i told him about my worries for work next year and since he knows a lot of people in business he's going to give me a "coup de pouce" to see about finding something. ya never know. it's weird cause i've known him since may and we see eachother from time to time, and i've decided that i def. don't want to be more than friends, and now i feel like those feelings aren't mutual. ahh what can i say, i'm quite the heartbreaker.
i can't believe i went into the gap yesterday during my lunch break to try on clothes. gap is so not my style but surprisingly i found like 2 things that i really liked. unfortunately i would never buy them here cause it's like 20$ more expensive. i thought about having my mom bringing me the stuff but i couldn't find the items on the website. could it be possible that the european collection is different? speaking of sending me stuff, maybe i'll order stuff from topshop and have eric bring it back to paris! ughhh only after i pay him back the 80 pounds that owe him..oops. i'm usually so good about paying poeple back and i harshly criticize those who don't, and here i go being a complete hypocrite.
ok well i guess i should get to "work"