Jun 14, 2010 11:39
To the assholes now and in the past-
There are a lot of you. This used to discourage me greatly. I used to feel not good enough, not strong enough...like this was the best I could do, maybe I deserve to be treated this way or that way. But in the end I want to thank you because through you and because of the life experience I went through, I learned that you were all wrong. I grew in strength and I grew self-sufficient. I also feel like I'd rather be alone then put up with your crap. I'm 29 years old, alone, and yet I'm the best I've ever been.
So, throw the worst at me, kick me while I'm down, do what you do. I've been through enough to know you no longer have the power to take away my self-esteem, my strength, my self-respect, or my self-confidence. You hold no power over me...and I'll just keep being me. Just know karma's a bitch, and I 100% believe that all of you will get it in spades.
That's all. Cheers :)