Tooting Your Own Horn

Jan 28, 2011 12:35

So, I'm up for promotion and (separately) sabbatical this year.  I finished my promotion application and did the interview where I got to talk for 8 minutes about myself and why they should promote me.  This is stuff I suck at, because I'd much rather focus on my flaws and I generally look down on people who brag (and these situations force me to try to become the kind of person I hate most.)  The people that brag the most often know the least and after talking for several minutes about how great I am I end up feeling a lot dumber for doing so.

In any case, there's a point to all this and that's that my sabbatical proposal for a research level math project needs to be "readable by an 8th grader that hates math."  At least that was the advice I got since there are no math people on the committee that makes the decision.  So if anyone who doesn't know math out here would be willing to read about my project and tell me how understandable it is, that would help me in getting a sabbatical.  Drop me a message either here or directly to my e-mail, where I can forward my proposal to you.  

promotion, sabbatical, work

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