If you google my name this is the first image that comes up.
Apparently I am a furniture store owner in Richmond. I assume Richmond, VA, but you can't be too sure about these things and I'm too lazy to read the article it came from.
I wonder how the furniture business is doing?
I won 300 dollars for my play. I'm pretty sure the play is about mediocrity and dying with dignity, but Tina Howe thought it may be about finding true love. She might be right. But I think this is what it's really about.
The first time I came onto Greg’s show as a stand-up I bombed. The audience booed me off the stage, and he personally escorted me to the green room. There would be no offer to sit on the couch for me. After the show Greg smacked me and said, “A comedian’s job is not to be funny. It’s our job to be mediocre. It’s our job to make people forget their life’s failures and sufferings. We must absorb them and make their pain our own. Our mediocrity makes them chuckle and makes them believe that they are better than us. Our burden is to never tell them the truth. We must be funny, but not too funny or else we’ll force them to take stock in their lives. When that happens they will tear us apart.” I asked him what happens if we’re just plain shitty. He told me, “That’s when they won’t be able to take their eyes off us, but that also signals the end. When we can’t maintain the balance of mediocrity we die, but they remember us in tributes all across the television newsmagazine business, and Tom Hanks will eulogize us at our funerals. You’re in show business now Scotty. You’re a freak. There’s no cure for that. You must learn to crawl on the balance beam of mediocrity. After that you will be able to walk on two legs again, and once you have sure footing you will grow old and need a crutch to help balance you. Once you find that crutch the millions will gaze upon you and pronounce “Ecce Hosto!” Behold the host! And you will become the stuff of dreams.