oh: life, blather, fandom: actual participation omg, tv: random, movies

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  • caturday

    thecomfychair May 11, 2010 03:09

    lolol that will be my cat on Sunday

    So much internet drama this week in so many fandoms. Save it for the hiatus, y'all (except for the SPN fail, which needs to have never existed in the first place, and yet still continues on days later.  I keep on stumbling upon these Not Getting It posts even though I am actively trying to avoid them, like they're ( Read more... )

    oh: life, movies, oh: law school, lolcat

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  • I could write a sonnet, about your Easter Bonnet (I'm watching Holiday Inn, okay)

    thecomfychair Dec 21, 2009 22:53

    you guys. YOU GUYS. If you are a fan of any of the following things:

    2)Zachary Quinto's voice
    5)an epic combination of 1-4
    6)delicious flavor

    you need to run, not walk to this post. Two ridiculously awesome people took the Star Trek audiobook that ZQ read and spliced it together seamlessly (over the course ( Read more... )

    holiday: holidaze, videos, movies

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  • But not as we know it

    thecomfychair Nov 14, 2008 23:53

    got this from foxsyd

    The Star Trek trailer from before Quantum of Solace

    image Click to view

    :D :D :D
    edit: does anyone know if there is an official version of this up?

    videos, movies

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  • Writer's Block: The X-Files Birthday

    thecomfychair Sep 10, 2008 12:24

    tv: x-files, movies

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  • I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss

    thecomfychair Apr 08, 2008 00:29

    So I may have mentioned that Enchanted is like, one of my favorite movies now, yes? And how I have the soundtrack on my Zune and listen to it on the way to class and all that?

    Enchanted meets Torchwood. Spoilers for most of S2 (but not 2x13).

    The whale...I lost it at the whale. What would I do without ihazastopwatchEpic Win ( Read more... )

    tv: torchwood, movies, lolcat

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