
May 11, 2010 03:09

lolol that will be my cat on Sunday

So much internet drama this week in so many fandoms. Save it for the hiatus, y'all (except for the SPN fail, which needs to have never existed in the first place, and yet still continues on days later.  I keep on stumbling upon these Not Getting It posts even though I am actively trying to avoid them, like they're little mysteriously appearing treasures made of fail.)

I have ONE EXAM LEFT. and then a TRUCKLOAD OF FAMILY TO DEAL WITH because my mom's family scheduled the family reunion the same week as my graduation /o\. Every day I have roughly 3982409209843 things going on and I still have to actually move. I need a fucking Time Turner. Plus all my local goodbyes start tomorrow ;_;

Things made of happy:
  • IRON MAN 2
  • IRON MAN 2
  • The Pocahontas soundtrack, which I have been listening to on repeat for two hours. Don't be hatin', you know that's an amazing soundtrack

oh: life, movies, oh: law school, lolcat

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