Won't you spare me over

May 06, 2010 23:54

I have been waiting for CLIP OF AWESOME so I can finally post this.

Supernatural, why so genuinely entertaining this season? I know I am in the minority, but I am really going to miss the lolpacylpse storyline. It's why I started watching in S4, and though I've watched some of the past seasons over the past two years, I still love this arc the best. And next year, it's rumored to be back to basics, which means that I am 99.95% sure that Cas is going to bite the dust this season, especially now that he's rather human-shaped. So possibly yay for Sam N Dean next season even if we don't have Cas, but I tend to find MOTW episodes boring, so we'll see, we'll see. Maybe TPTB will go in a different direction.


How much do I love that Death is as old as God, that Death is this like...overarching thing. It's not the Devil and God in the end, it's Death and God in the end. And he likes pizza, and rides a really fucking cool "pale horse" and he hates being bound by Lucifer and yesss, I am all over this characterization. I had subtitles on, so it was like he was SPEAKING IN CAPS, which made the nerd in me very happy.

This is also now one of my favorite scenes from Supernatural:

image Click to view


ALSO HERE'S THE MP3 OF THE SONG (NO ILLEGALS HERE, IT WAS FREE ON THE SITE). http://www.box.net/shared/ne9d4h4lbz *


*apparently there are two versions, this is the one originally posted on the CW site.

I enjoyed the bit of Matt Frewer we got as Pestilence, but I'm kind of disappointed we didn't get Croatoan ZOMBIES. Despite the fact that we are facing the Apocalypse and Lucifer, there's a distinct lack of...er, perilous peril? Lots of inward angst, involving Sam and maybe SAMIFER and Dean and Bobby and Cas, but the sense of danger to the outside of world seems muted to me. I think it's a pacing issue, which has been going on all season, but it's still a little disappointing. I love me some big giant destructive Apocalypses.

More things that were of the awesome:

+Sam, Sam being a gigantic creeper and instead of fretting that Bobby sold his soul, wanting to know the macking details
+Dean and his little chat with Death, that whole scene
+ Sam's bad plan, which may or may not be actually bad
+CROWLEY. Do not die in the next episode, because you are sort of a twisted but occasionally compassionate King of the Crossroads.
+When Bobby got his legs back, I maybe got a little tiny bit teary.
+CAAAAAS. The fact that Cas is now human, or human-esque, pretty much convinces me he's a goner, but I loved his phone call and his angsting with Bobby. And everything he did with Dean or Sam. In conclusion: CAS. also plz prove me wrong show, because I don't want Cas to die :( :( :(

+OH AND MISHA COLLINS AND HIS CW TWITTER PARTY LOL WAT. He tweeted in his Twitter character (ie, where Supernatural doesn't exist and he's not an actor) and I could not stop loling. Supernatural is actually about a safari, you know.

I also watched Community tonight, for the first time, and damn Joel McHale, I say damn.  It was really hilarious, so I might have to start acquiring Canadian Bones on Wed and watching this show on Thursdays.

tv: supernatural

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