Everyone's an Ace in their own deck

May 16, 2006 16:04

Interviewed for the Returning Officer position yesterday. They would like to appoint me, and they would like to appoint some former Students' Association President from Germany as my deputy. Now, this guy sounds like he may actually be reasonably qualified, and I'd be keen to use him in the main student elections at the end of the year.

However, they can't choose my deputy. It's unconstitutional. What's more, it interferes with my great glorious plans of World Domination Through Nepotism.

I am meeting the guy this afternoon, in about half an hour. I'm going to sound him out about working for me at the end of the year, because I'll need a reasonable staff. The upcoming by-election, however... Well, this guy's going to have to be something pretty special to make me put aside the person I already had in mind(1).

(Last night, the Rock DJ offered me a hug of his own volition. What's more, he was entirely sober. I was impressed.)

New story idea. Short story. Kinda twisted. Loosely science fiction, in that it's a first contact with another culture (hence ALIENS!*dance*) but more of murder mystery. And it's about card games. *snuggles the card games*

I'm going to write it up as a short story but I can see how it could be extended out. There would be nothing more awesome than for me to get a novel published that combines my squee for playing cards with my native science fiction upbringing(2). I think I get to toss in some psychology as well. Look...it's like studying! *furtive look*

If I sit on the couch and stare at the wall, all I want to do is sit on the couch and stare at the wall. If I force myself to work, to accomplish, even if it's not what I'm supposed to be working on, then I have moments where I want to accomplish. I will maintain some level of motivation, dammit.

The weather is insane today. It is cold and miserable, as is appropriate for the last month of autumn, but inside the heaters are on too high, so I have spent the day alternating between removing clothing (to approval) and putting clothing back on (to pouts of regret). (Gotta love college boys.) I can handle heat, and I can handle cold; I just need stability. Yegads.

I bought the complete works of Oscar Wilde(3) last week for $10 (about five or six American), and have read through all the short stories. Now, I'm treating myself to The Picture of Dorian Gray. Wheee. I like him.

Deep breathing. I'm calm. I'm focussed. I'm in control and on track.

Man, that would be so much more calming if I didn't have a cracked rib right now. Once more, yegads.

I am strong. The world can be mine. I have coasted for long enough; now, I will fake ambition until I grow some. There is no reason to waste what I might do just because I can be satisfied with less. There is no 'good enough'. There is only:

"That was cool. What shall I do next?"

(1) And no, it's not someone whose pants I'm trying to get into, although that does seem to be the democratic tradition at this university. :-)

(2) True story: I was reading Robert Heinlein books while still prepubescent, and my father can't figure out why I have such a...liberal attitude towards sex and sexuality.

(3) That is to say, the complete stories, plays and poems, with the addition of some essays.

university, lele, weather, literature, later reference, statements, musae

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