Angels Lost - The Prisonbreak

Jul 05, 2007 18:27

Technopolis Tower, Technopolis Prison Facility, Deserta, Skydera Prime

Oh, my. )

dragonfly, grif, quinn, angels lost, ic posts, eiko

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one_drafted_man July 9 2007, 00:42:40 UTC
As lead element -- or, "The Distraction," to his own only-reluctantly-military perspective -- Grif arrives first, in a flash of PINpoint light, which deposits him in the prison's courtyard. He's got a plasma rifle at the ready, and after a quick glance around to make sure everything matched up with that he expects, he lets off a stitch of blue-green fire along one of the prison's walls.

With his helmet's speakers cranked up as high as they'll go, he shouts, "HEY! CAN ANYONE TELL ME HOW TO GET TO DISNEYLAND? I THINK I TOOK A WRONG TURN!"

Standing still isn't exactly very wise, tactically, even as a distraction, so it's at this point that he starts running... with an explosive grenade thrown in the other direction. Let the game begin.


gadgetqueen July 9 2007, 01:13:03 UTC
Five hundred yards outside the gates, there's a set of lights that glow, stretch, connect, and fade. When they go, they leave behind a mass of metal and machinery easily big enough to cover an entire football field. It has a single massive cannon on top, the bore able to swallow a good-sized car. The sides are lined with smaller guns. Painted on the front are the words:


Unit CLE-12122174 of the Dinochrome Brigade, Charlie the Bolo, has arrived as fire support. God help them all.

And on the roof of the prison, a single portal appears, leaving Eiko behind.


1morethemedhero July 9 2007, 01:27:44 UTC
A few moments later, Quinn- rather, Dragonfly, as she's set her mindset for the moment- appears via PINpoint.

The holographic, semi-solid wings projected from the back of the suit flicker into existence with a momentary hum, unfurling out to a just-over-eighteen-foot wingspan- large, but not nearly enough to lift her if it weren't for the abstruse manipulations of aerodynamics the 'machinery' uses.


npcsofskydera July 9 2007, 01:45:55 UTC
The explosion echoed throughout the massive facility, guards of various kinds aimed weapons at Grif and fired without questioning, another guard activated the alarm, the klaxons blaring loudly.

Martok, at his desk, glanced up and frowned, "System, access." He frowned further at the holo-image that was generated, he stood, and headed out. This was something that required his personal attention.

Charlie didn't go unnoticed either. He was first detected by the motion-sensing cannons that came out of the shifting sands, aimed downards, and then moving to aim forward, towards their newest target. The Unitanks engines roared to life, and they trudged forward, just slightly behind the cannons. The large top-cannons moving to aim for the distant target, the forward cannons also rotating to aim.

Eiko and Dragonfly's collective arrival goes mostly unnoticed in the utter chaos that is occurring around them, red lights lit up throughout the metallic halls.


one_drafted_man July 9 2007, 03:12:39 UTC
The first couple of shots, as he starts moving, would've connected easily, except for the energy shield built into the MJOLNIR Mk. VI armor system. The effort of stopping those shots is fairly minimal, though, shaving off only a tiny bit of the current shield charge level. After that, he's running, reactive liquid crystal augmenting genetically and surgically enhanced musculature. He may not have what might be commonly considered "super-speed," but once he's hit a run, his speed is nonetheless beyond normal human capabilities ( ... )


gadgetqueen July 9 2007, 21:45:43 UTC
For herself, Eiko slips over the edge, climbing down to the window of her lover's cell.

"Cavalry's here, love. We'll have you out in a bit, then your father, and we're gone."

Beyond the gates, the ion cannons of Charlie's infinite repeaters start firing, a massive roll of thunder as they unleash their power. In this configuration, they shatter machinery but should pass harmlessly through humans - quite humane of the new commander!


1morethemedhero July 10 2007, 01:17:35 UTC
Dragonfly flickers over to follow Eiko, going out-over-down-over in a series of starts and stops that look almost painfully abrupt. With this, the wings buzz angrily, and a slight breeze washes out from her- not much, with most of the lifting power derived from the 'vortices' of air centered along the edges of the wings.

She's facing out, ready to lay down suppressive fire against anyone who happens to notice the two of them.


npcsofskydera July 10 2007, 01:36:04 UTC
When Grif vanishes, there are various shouts of "HE'S A TELEPORTER!" To the others, the first assumption is that he's a mage, or is possibly using a device to accomplish this. It is, after all, the year 3238, here. Sophisticated tech may be hard to come by on this ravaged world, but it has, and does exist.

It's about this time Martok arrives, when the gas goes off. Even stranger is when he's uneffected by it, but the rest of the troops around him are reduced to vomiting idiots. Man, that is not a pretty sight ( ... )


one_drafted_man July 10 2007, 02:59:31 UTC
"Uh oh." Grif's perhaps a bit too busy, on the move, to notice Martok's eyes and whether or not they have pupils at any point, but he can at least spot a guy walking through the gas without effect easily enough, and that spells a high likelihood of trouble. Okay, slight change of plan, then ( ... )


gadgetqueen July 10 2007, 19:57:58 UTC
Eiko flickers into view right outside the window. "Hang tight... but go to the other side of the cell. This is gonna get a bit weird."

Once Isis is there, Eiko proceeds to use a fusion lance to cut away a chunk of the wall - the entire window goes, along with some of the wall, and some of the ceiling. One million degrees of concentrated heat cuts through a LOT of stuff. After it falls in with a CRASH, there's something sprayed to cool the bubbling stuff on the edges.

And Eiko, her eyes too shiny and too bright, reaches a hand in. "Time to go, love." Clasped in it is a bracelet PINpoint.

Charlie, for himself, has his screens up, and is targeting the best he can. Six guns on each flank blast away at the unitanks, and he's reciting some kind of poem on his particular part of the commlink. He's doing what he's meant to do, accomplishing his purpose, and he feels good about it, dammit!


1morethemedhero July 10 2007, 20:10:52 UTC
Dragonfly flicks back and forth, in that same uncomfortable-looking start-stop-start-stop mode of movement.

So far she's comms-silent, not wanting to interrupt Eiko unless it ends up necessary.


thebalanckeepr July 10 2007, 20:30:14 UTC
Isis is quick to hang back as the wall is cut and collapses. She winces when it goes. Eiko will note a heavy iron collar around Isis's neck with a little flashing red light above a type of keyhole ( ... )


one_drafted_man July 11 2007, 00:47:43 UTC
"Aw, crap." Even though Grif isn't a Skyderian, and thus lacks whatever special context this guy seems to think they would have on the situation, what he's seen the guy just do is enough to signal a probable whuppin' if he sticks around.

Well, Eiko did tell him that he had discretion to bug out when he felt it got too dangerous. A burst transmission goes out on the communication channel Eiko provided. "Shit. Magic-using cockbite. I'm out before he stops time with his hourglass cane or something. Good luck."

Grif vanishes. About twenty seconds later, at the spot near the front of the ranks where he teleported those last two gas grenades, another portal opens, horizontally, out of which a large crate drops to the ground. Sticking out of a hole in the top of the crate is... well, it looks spherical, with a fiery, hissing corona of blue energy. Maybe it's a spider? No, not so much. Better run, guys, before the chain reaction explosion kicks off in... about a second.


gadgetqueen July 11 2007, 01:05:07 UTC
Eiko slides in, and slips a pair of Glasses onto Isis's face. "We'll get this off you right away, and out, love." She starts to pull things out of her pocket, then tosses the fusion lance out of the hall, almost as an afterthought.

And a blip appears in Quinn's HUD. "That's the position of her father. Bring him here."

Then she starts to apply the autolockpick to the neck ring. She talks as she goes. "Okay, Grif, thanks. You did great. See you on the flip side." Then to Isis, "hon, a cane with an hourglass on it; how bad are we talking about here?"

Charlie, for his part, continues to work to disarm the tanks. Except, of course, for the weird energy pulse that just appeared.

The main gun barrel emits a small, quiet whine that begins to grow.


1morethemedhero July 11 2007, 01:13:12 UTC
In the space of a moment, Quinn is already zooming off. She can already feel the twinging side-effects of the metadrugs that keep from splattering across the inside of the suit with every start and stop, but it'll be another few hours before anything really starts to hurt.

A few tear gas grenades are dropped here and there, bereft of the ridiculous thrust vectors the semisolid wings give Quinn's suit and so exploding against walls at two hundred MPH.


thebalanckeepr July 11 2007, 01:35:28 UTC
The plasma grenade emits the expected high pitched whine before it goes off, an explosion that rocks the prison with a bright, electric-blue/cyan flash. Martok makes a horrible screaming noise in the blast, but what's worse is that he manages to survive it.

Admittedly, a kneeling, hulking metal, humanoid shape on the ground, having to use his cane from falling down completely. He vents steam loudly, as well, breathing hard to attempt to cool down from being so close to the explosion.


Isis's eyes go distant as she roots through all her knowledge, to the point that she's disoriented when the collar chirps and opens, as well as the gauntlets doing the same thing, and clattering to the floor loudly.

Her powers wash back into control in and then it hits her. "Hourglass cane, oh Kimon-- It's TIMEMASTERIt's a few turns, and a stairwell, but Isis's father is easily found. He's got a similar setup as far as cuffs and collar goes, and like Isis, he's been relieved of his eye wear (his eyepatch, for the uninitiated). His eye is revealed ( ... )


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