Angels Lost - The Prisonbreak

Jul 05, 2007 18:27

Technopolis Tower, Technopolis Prison Facility, Deserta, Skydera Prime

Oh, my. )

dragonfly, grif, quinn, angels lost, ic posts, eiko

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thebalanckeepr July 11 2007, 01:35:28 UTC
The plasma grenade emits the expected high pitched whine before it goes off, an explosion that rocks the prison with a bright, electric-blue/cyan flash. Martok makes a horrible screaming noise in the blast, but what's worse is that he manages to survive it.

Admittedly, a kneeling, hulking metal, humanoid shape on the ground, having to use his cane from falling down completely. He vents steam loudly, as well, breathing hard to attempt to cool down from being so close to the explosion.


Isis's eyes go distant as she roots through all her knowledge, to the point that she's disoriented when the collar chirps and opens, as well as the gauntlets doing the same thing, and clattering to the floor loudly.

Her powers wash back into control in and then it hits her. "Hourglass cane, oh Kimon-- It's TIMEMASTER!"


It's a few turns, and a stairwell, but Isis's father is easily found. He's got a similar setup as far as cuffs and collar goes, and like Isis, he's been relieved of his eye wear (his eyepatch, for the uninitiated). His eye is revealed to be scarred, and pale compared to the other one.

"What in the bloody hell is going on out there?!" ... Needless to say, his yelling might help him be found, since most of the other cells are empty.


gadgetqueen July 11 2007, 13:15:13 UTC
Eiko, who has glossed over Skyderan history just enough to get some of the cultural references in slang, pales. "....oh fucknuts." She slaps the PINpoint on Isis's wrist. "We gotta grab your dad and bug out fast," she continues, then stops at a linked voice in her head.

Commander, I am taking some infantry fire. There is also an unusual energy flare in the prison courtyard. My main gun is prepared to fire. However, tactical assets labeled D-1 and Command are in the arc of fire. Request permission to fire a warning shot.

"Hold one, Charlie, wait for tac element evac; fire warning and withdraw to depot." she says, and closes the link. Then she turns to Isis, taking her hand. "I wasn't going to let you stay here. Soon as your father is here, we're gone."


1morethemedhero July 11 2007, 22:46:08 UTC
"This is an extraction," Quinn says, clunking to the floor as the wings abruptly stop providing vectored thrust and vanish. "Stand back," she adds- and then, suddenly, she's surrounded by a multitude of impossibly sharp shining knives.

In a few moments, the wall is being sliced apart in pieces, until there's a circular hole large enough for the man to exit through.

I've got him, she says through the commlink. Meet up, or vanish him from here? Referring, of course, to that she could simply exit with him in tow via PINpoint.


npcsofskydera July 12 2007, 01:44:30 UTC
Cue Anton's paused, staring, blinking. "I somehow suspect that Ms. Takashima is to thank for this?" We should note that there's NO COMPLAINING in his tone whatsoever. He steps out, jerking at his restraints defiantly.


In the prison courtyard, the robot, now identified as Timemaster stands, steam rising from his body still. Silver, armored. Somewhat clunky in design to more modern things, and a clock face built into his chest. Cane held tightly in one hand.

"Perhaps, I think, it is high time for me to make my exit for now. System!" There was a loud chirp amongst the blaring alarms, "Self-destruct code, Martok-one, initiate."

A chirp, "Voiceprint confirmed." And then a facility-wide announcement, "Technopolis Prison Self Destruct Activated, Evacuate immediately, self destruct will occur in five minutes."

With a sweep of silvery energy, Timemaster, and his power signature, are both gone. Out of range, presumably.



"Oh bloody..!" Isis glanced up, "It's going to explode..!" She glanced at Eiko, "We've got to get out of here." o_o


gadgetqueen July 12 2007, 19:52:11 UTC
"All units, evac immediately! IMMEDIATELY!"

Eiko takes her own advice, and pulls in Isis for a close hug, a kiss, and a PINpoint transport to the main lab room.

They may be kissing still when Quinn and Anton arrive.

A massive blast goes over the prison from the tank's massive main cannon, as Charlie decides to leave them with a little something.

In orbit, a meteor is shattered to gravel.

And with that flickering of lights, Charlie, too, evacuates, returning to the depot, satisfied with a job well done.

For the honor of the Brigade.


1morethemedhero July 12 2007, 23:23:10 UTC
Quinn grabs Anton, and- poof!

"That went well," she comments amiably, watching Eiko and Isis for a moment.


thebalanckeepr July 12 2007, 23:32:10 UTC
Even if they aren't? Isis is just going to hold onto Eiko for a long time, her eyes closed, just... half-losing herself in her mage sense. One doesn't realize how much of an impact this has on their life until it's gone.

After a while, she speaks. "Goddesses and Gods, that was... There aren't words for it."

Anton, on the other hand, is turned loose of the shackles as soon as the connection with the prison is terminated in the teleport. Their landing is far, far less than quiet on the floor below him. He takes the collar off himself, "I suppose it wasn't entirely explained?"

Isis doesn't stop leaning/clinging on Eiko "Bits, apparently Timemaster was there, as well."

"..." Anton sighed and facepalmed, groaning loudly, "..That explains much."


gadgetqueen July 12 2007, 23:54:29 UTC
"We got the guest room set up just in case, and I can get you an eyepatch and..."

And the eyes roll back in her head as all the drugs stop being effective and the exhaustion catches up with her biggest stress relieved, and now she's hanging off Isis, snoring softly.


1morethemedhero July 12 2007, 23:59:01 UTC
"I'm not really sure-" Quinn cuts off, mid-sentence, as Eiko suddenly falls asleep... she moves towards her, to help Isis hold her up- or get her to a seat, at least.


thebalanckeepr July 13 2007, 00:12:29 UTC
Isis is currently proving she's much stronger than she initially appears. Though she does appreciate the help, it gives her a chance to search, and find, the PINpoint that was about to be handed to her.

Isis rubs at her right wrist a moment before putting it on with a click. ..there's a tingling sensation. That feels funny, but... The lights flare to life as the linkup is reestablished. She blinks a couple of times to re-familiarize herself with everything, and then takes a deep breath, "Thank you." She says, to Quinn. "I can handle her and everything from here."

"Yes, thank you.." Pause, "..I fear I don't know your gender, and I can't really tell, so either way, thank you." Anton half-smiles, just utterly, utterly drained. "And Isis? I'm going to want to go back."

"..I know."

"However, I wish to have one of those PINpoint devices..."

"I'll talk to Eiko about it when she's awake again, Dad. Just... Let's rest and recover for now."

((Aaaand I think we got scene. THANK YOU ALL, YOU WERE AWESOME ♥♥♥))


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