Sandringham Flower Show Wed 29th july

Aug 05, 2009 19:23

My parents and I took the coach up to Sandringham to see the flower show and meet up with my sister and nephew.
Coach trip was long as it was an hour picking up en route before properly setting off; we set off 7.10am and got there sometime around 11am.

When we got there, the Royals were there (Prince Charles & Camilla) - couldn't see them as already too many people crowded round;stupidly though, presumably for 'security purposes', all other routes around the estate were blocked so none of us had anywhere to move to until the Royals moved on; it ended up with a mass of people very close together unable to circulate. I called my sister so we could meet up at a specific point where some flags were flying - unfortunately we couldn't get to the flags as the areas were roped off, and Suzanne could not get to where we now were because it was roped off her side too (she had come in the estate from a different direction)! All a bit chaotic! However, once the Royals had done their bit, all the roped off areas were finally opened, so we did get to meet up - time for lunch - we did a picnic - windy day though so it was case of holding onto plates, napkins etc every time a gust of wind caught where we were sitting

It was a lovely day overall, Edward was very well behaved, except for one point in the afternoon when he declared he was hot and pulled his trousers off! Suzanne had to physically stop him from pulling down his pants too! She eventually got him back in his trousers but he'd refused to wear the shorts she brought with her just in case...4 year olds, eh?!

Anyway, a great day ,weather not brill but it only rained whilst we were on the coach so that was good;got back very tired at 8pm!
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