Things that I Like

Jul 25, 2009 23:04

Berlin. Sushi. Reading. Jacqueline Cary. Douglas Adams. Bill Bryson. Haruki Murakami. Math. Physics. My friends. My family. Watching TV with my mom on Wednesday night. Yoga. Rollerskating. Ice skating. The ocean. Summer. Sunshine. Suza. Manga. Going to the movies. Writing. NaNoWriMo. Music. Concerts. The smell of horses. Saturday mornings. Good Fanfiction. Pretty clothes. Boys with sharp features. Pokemon. Playing games with my family. When everyone is there for dinner on Sunday evening. Airplanes. Dancing. Knowing things. Reading people's ljs. Jewelry. Nutella and banana toast. Brownies from White Trash. Bouncing story ideas off Suza. Working out details for stories. Finishing things. Riding the U-Bahn while listening to my iPod. My iPod. Tiergarten. Browsing for books. Reading InStyle. Making fun of InStyle. Making fun of things in general. Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series. Planning absurd things with Suza that will never work out. Yaoi. Listening to music and cooking/cleaning. Laughing my head off. Looking at shoes.
Okay, I realize I could go on with this list. I feel better now.


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