Like a Zillion things

Aug 10, 2011 01:06

Okay so I think I already had it sussed out that Marvey and jace live in the same apartment complex as Vis, escept Vis lives like two levels downstairs and technically only has a one-bedroom. Boring boring but at one point Marvey DOES end up staying with Vis for one or two nights when Sano is conviniently in the hospital still before she fucks off cause Mathias and Vinyl totally storm up the stairs when she is sitting in his living room and she just fucking bolts

different story different story i'll suss it out later RIGHT NOW I AM WRITING DOWN STUFF FOR LYRIN

This is pre-dreamweaver, pre-machine V5.2 but post-get the fuck out of the forest. Instead of NASA, he's part of this research company kind of thing that basically takes any information given to them from digs or ruins or anything and they study the fuck out of it untill they can give some answers. IIIII think I had it that he was living in New Caspica at the time which makes senseeeee cause the entire 'lockdown of Caspica' thing was supposed to happen hells early when everyone knew what they were and causes Sovena to start thegenetic mutation with pointy teeth and blacked out eyes

fuck wait i am going off track again

So Lyrin is in this company and Sean Christiansen STILL somehow ends up becoming his boss- there is A VERY HIGH probability that Lyrin subconciously 'recreated' him even though he's technically locked. Its pretty much a crippling fear carried over from pre-TAo that he never knew where Christiansen went, or what he could have possibly done with the information he had against him (thus thinking that any moment the feds could have totally knocked down his door and arrested his midget ass).

Recreation Christiansen is basically completely the same but I have worked him in as Stovite-born and Caspican-raised. Lyrin does the same dumb shit with registers by area code and DUHHHHH he finds out etcetc

Craig is working there at the time covering a story and he's really good friends with Lyra at this point, having met her through Mason. He recognises Lyrins' hair and surname and strikes up a friendship despite all Lyrins' efforts to stop it. Eventually Lyrin and Christiansens relationship reaches the coming-home-drunk-and-punching-holes-in-the-wall-and-giving-you-some-new-bruises stage and then Craig steps in.

Lyra is best friends with Marvey who knows Vis from downstairs cause Sano has had ALOT of screaming fits. Lyra asks Marvey first but this is nearly immidietly after Jace goes missing and she's not exactly comfortable with that, so she gets Vis to agree since Sano is in lockdown.

Wow social complexities everywhere

Vis doesn't care cause he is cool with company whoever it is and Lyrin hides out with Vis for about a month and two weeks? Vinyl shows up at the door and Lyrin gets the jist of his situation pretty fast. Cue lots of pot and awkward kisses.

Lyrin eventually just fucks off though, certain that if Christiansen DOES try and turn him in that there is no end to the places he can run, since the account he was using is completely fool-proof and non-tracable (through complex compter ways that I have no comprehension of). So he fucks off south a-ways, and finds a decently small town that he hunkers down in.

100 years later:

Its basically the biggest, most technology-advanced city on the planet, now renamed Greys Place (oh look how subtle). Everything is run electronically, and the Machine is suposedly under government control (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

Yeah long story short Lyrin regressed back into becoming a cybord weirdo and is running the whole city though ports that he fused into his own brain. Also his eyes glow pretty blue colours like computer towers do.

AFTER LYSANDER AND LYRA SHOW UP shit starts getting whack in Greys, like the Machine actually starting fires in certain places and arresting people that have commited no crime. The government covers up what it can and bullshits up reasons for everything else because they dont control shit and they are trying to maintain social order. They are dependant on this Machine to run the city and keep it running, they have no way of altering the programming or even really understanding how it makes the deductions that it does.

Lyrin becomes this machine to distract himself from how much his life sucks, cause Vis accidentally surfaced up a few memories.

EVENTUALLY Lyra and Lysander find the heart of the machine, and it literally takes them something like three years to find the centre and him, which after everything that Lyrin has done to himself resembles almost nothing more than a white void. Lysander is a giant derp and can't help his brother at all really, but he protects Lyra from all the 'virus software' that Lyrin has cooked up.

Lyra stays in the Machine and tells Lysander to go and get as many people out of Greys as he can. Lyra is stuck in the Machine for a further sixteen years, but the Machine eventually does crash and 'reboot' (with secondary systems and programs Lyrin wrote as a contingency plan). Lysander, during this time, basically goes against all his better judgement and starts up something like a revolution in order to force people out of the city. This also involves sabotaging the Machine, which though he is not aware affects Lyrin.

Only about 1/3 the population of Greys have left by the time of the crash, and afterwards 87% of the population was killed in the aftermath. Greys Place eventually does reconstruct as a city, but the technological advancement completely stops and it never reaches the same height it did again. Most of the electronics and Machine control of the city is taken out.

There were other points I was making but my brin hurts I need chocolate milk bye

c: vis, c: lysander, c: lyrin, c:lyra

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