
Sep 26, 2011 23:07

everyone has sad stories forever forever forever

Lyrin ends up killing his Dreamweaver and then from then on everything in the underlayer is out to get him because he's a manipulative little shit and everytime he tries to create pocket dimensions they always try to fuck them up as much as possible. His pursuit revolves right back to being an emotionless husk and he starts wiring himself up again but instead of making another Greys Place he transforms himself into something of an internet Ghost.

Jace steadily looses all his memories and even forgets eventually how and why he agreed to getting rid of them and starts getting really scared and freaked out untill he forgets why he is even doing that and eventually he kinda goes into a coma untill some happy stranger comes along and creates an indentity for him. Ends up as nothing more than a seven-foot-tall maniputable child.

Marvey ends up going bonkers with paranoia and becomes something like a wandering hermit. She abandons Jude in the Bone Desert and he ends up becoming one of the poltergeists around The Crypt. She starts going on a mission of self-mutilation and ends up convinced that she's another person trapped inside of the body she's in- thus her obsession with tearing every aspect of herself into tiny, tiny peices and throwing out all the 'trash'. In her ideal ending, she'll completely rewrite her personality and body into something that is 'her own'.

Lyra stops taking shit from everyone and goes on her own path of destruction. Instead of 'fixing things' she just blows shit up and/or makes plagues. Her primary goal is to kill as many people as possible she does not deign 'proper for this world'. Starts manipulating boyfriends really badly and forcibly causes a few of them to commit suicide. Picks up smoking and abuses the ability her brother gave back to her. In a nutshell she gets tired of being nice and has reached the 'okay fuck this you're all fucking insane' point and can't really give a shit about anyone anymore.

Sovena starts feeling remorse for all the shit she's done.

Winnifred fuses herself to New Caspica

Bishop and Montgomery lead a revolution

Angel starts to pick apart reality

When I feel better I'll write some happy endings but this satisfies me right now.
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