
Jul 14, 2011 23:33

I am horridly sleep deprived right now and on the internet in the middle of Brisbane City to kill time waiting for the fucking bus so HAVE SOME IDEASPAM

Sovena: ends up being 'sold' to a bunch of marauders by Lyra who does end up feeling horribly guilty about it but in the long run it is not as big of a deal as everyone thinks


CHECK IT OUT THIS IS LIKE THREE DAYS AFTER I WROTE THIS AND IT WAS STILL IN HERE ISN'T THAT NIFTY? Money on the internet I was using in the city ran out hurhurhurrrrr

Basically: Sovena. Ends up with a bunch of marauders. My friend Linda and I have been INTENTLY SUSSING THEM OUT and have created two new countries/civilizations in the north that we based loosely off of chinese and indian culture, but THESE ISLANDS THEY LIVE ON ARE MADE OF FUCKING ICE IN THE MIDDLE OF A GODFORSAKEN TUNDRA!!!! So this healvily influences alot of shit that goes on with them.

There are only a few that we have figured out so far- there is a core company of them and then a few that flit in and out of the caravan but help with the whole 'yeah we steal shit' thing. Ten is the number we want, but there are only these as follows:
  • The Leader dude: got nothing on him except that he got a prostitute pregnant and made her promice to keep the baby cause he wanted a child really badly. Still keeps in touch but they are very, very not in love. at all. He is overweight but intelligent as hell and dotes on his kid even more than the usual father. 
  • The Best Friend: Got nothing on hi meither except that he might either be Omacaran or Caspican- leaning towards Omacaran but it might have to depend on what I do with him later, Omacaran works for keeping Leader dude and him in BFFness if he was one of the few to stand up in the Omacaran uprising but Caspican also works for what I want to do with his physique and background. LONG STORY SHIRT HE HARDLY TALKS BUT HE IS BIG AND STRONG AND ONE HARDCORE MOTHERFUCKER.
  • The Daughter: Spoiled little princess. About 14-16, something like that, and always gets what she asks for. She is a greedylittle shit but she knows how to suck up and her father almost encourages the way she behaves cause one day you figure she is going to end up running the show with all these motherfuckers. She makes Sovena one of them because she knows she never wants kids so she figures keeping her around is basically like having one (oh my god you are one seriously dumb bitch) is also teased relentlessly bu the Ice Man
  • Ice Man: NO IDEA WHAT HIS FUCKING NAME IS but this is kinda sticking as a nickname for me. He is from the chinese-influenced island in the north, and what happened fairly recently in terms of 'sovena joins the group' is that the Stovite National Guard is sent in by the heiarchy to kidnap as many kids from both islands as they can because both islands refuse to let naybody in and they are like NOPE FUCK THAT WE NEES TO KNOW IF YOUR ASS IS WORTH CONQUERING but they did not realise that PSYCHE WE ARE ALL INCREDIBLY BADASS WARRIORS TRAINED FROM BIRTH TO KILL EACH OTHER BUT WE CAN DO THAT TO YOU TOO

and yeah he is one of those kids but he gets away cause Stovites suck and can't keep their shit straight.

After awhile the Leader dude finds him on the brink of starvation and even though Ice Man breaks two if his fingers and skratches up a cheek he's still all OH CHECK IT OUT THE LITTLE TYKE IS FEISTY and kinda just takes him in cause at the time he figures hey maybe i cal sell him at the Caspican border yeah

SPOILERS kid is intense and after making friends with the crew and meeting the daughter (a momentary infatuation on his part, grew out of it when he realised what a RIGHTEOUS BITCH she was) he kinda just became one of the crew once he proved that he was actually good at stealing shit and getting the rich skanks to hand over all their money
  • Horror and Macrabe (going by different names but) LINDAS CHARACTERS!!! They are 'guardians' and are actually aliens, but they work in the system of this world so we are throwing them into the mix :D They are annoying little shits and Sovena loves them cause she is into that creepy B-grade horror movie shit and is kinda also a cannibal so they sorta kinda end up like annoying older brothers???

at the end of the day they are also the only ones left alive

There is also Milo who is Lindas' and he shows up every once in awhile to check up on the dumbshit twins and he may or may not realise who or what Sovena actually is.

But that is it so far still sussing this out alot and the two islands are going through an intense culture creation ATM.


MARVEY, JACE AND VIS ALL KNOW EACH OTHER!!! This obviously means Sano knows them too but she likely never says much to Marv or Jace at all unless marv sees her when she does her volunteer work at the hospital for her dregree but whatever.

ALSO around the time Lyrin end up in deep shit with Christiansen (explained later), one of the press dudes who work with him in NASA (yup, still exists, on the westernmost point of Stovin before the delta and the Fortuna Isles) Craig helps him out by getting Vis to look after him for awhile. Lyra and Craig stay behind in New Caspica to deter him and it doesn't end well in the end but meanwhile:

Craig sets up Lyrin to stay with Vis who is living in the same apartment complex s Marv and Jace, but a few floors down since his is technically a one-bedroom with a study and the Thorntons have a two-bedroom, and it works for the floorplans I've sussed out shush.

BASICALLY Vis ends up with the same stoner-logic-mindfuckery like he was pre-TAo and makes Lyrin flip a bit of shit over how eerily accurate he is being. Mostly because Vis can't reset himself in complete totality like toe Gods can, but he and Sano can live pretty normally untill they are triggered, which is easier for spirits than gods. Sano is also insane, so that keeps her from getting a clue.

(Vis also had the sentinels take over for him and Sano while they 'went on vacation' so that keeps things from going out of whack as far as dying goes- there are of course alot more mistakes and it shows up alot after the Desent but thats something for another day)

Anyway Vis sort of unintentionally chanells some of the same logic from before and Lyrin gets an intense flashback and remembers that Vis explained that he puts jasmie tea leaves in his pot to help the smell and Vis kinda blinks a few times not knowing what to make of it


Note: Lyra goes 'missing' as far as the Gods are concerned when Sovena sticks around her, and this makes everyone extremely nervous and really scared but eventually Richie shows up at Lyrins' place and rips him a new one caue he had not even noticed and Lyra is the only one who actually keeps any of them surviving day after day,

Not sure where this falls timeline-wise cause I figure it works better pre-science war rather than post cause post-science war is when Lyra gets everyone to go back to the Desert and Marvey finally finds Jace again after she leaves jude behind in Sparklers' city, which I haven't named yet.

and then i am not sure cause logically this would take FOR FUCKING EVER and afterward there really isn't much of a point??? other than 'well that sucked lets try again'

hello i need sleep i am rambling

c:sano, c: vis, c: sovena, c: lyra, c: sano, c: lyrin, new characters

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