After TAo Thoughtssss

Aug 18, 2010 23:04

Cliche's are cliche's because when you find yourself in those rediculous situations, there really isn't much else to say.

So like, the origonal TAo cast is all Godified and now they are stuck in basically a middle-earth ish setting?

I was thinking if i wanted to stay in this kind of story, or if i wanted to go for a more /modern Earth society but with 'magic integrated into the system and polytheism was basically the shizznizz' kind of stuff but i don't know if I want to bother too much with that???

I could make it easier I guess if I tried to like, make it a more abstract world in general, I guess.

The old gods really don't give much of a shit I think, this place is basically Sovena's playground untill she can get her act together??? THAT'LL TAKE AWHILE.

But yeah this entire world was basically made to teach Sovena some patience, maybe some sanity???? Also regard for life, and also to try and stretch her creative muscles some more. Unfortunately, Ghouls and soulmashing do NOT count as creativity, Sovena.

So really, it'll take a good couple of apocalypses and end-of-the-worlds and general shitstorms for Sovena to finally get a clue and become....'enlightened' i guess? But yeah, gonna take a few mistakes before she gets her shit right.

Basically its like a video game? She doesnt want to play by the rules, just wants to do her own thing and she really doesnt understand when someone tries to tell her what to do. But if you are stuck in a world where you keep failing at a task, and everything keeps resetting, or breaking, or falling apart on you, eventually you are going to try and do it right??? If nothing else, just because you are frustrated and want to see how the damn thing will work?? Rhis is my logic anyway, and since Sovena is extremely juvinille in thought process and behaviour (being 14 beforehand and all) it will take her a good fat LONG. ASS. FUCKING. WHILE. To get her shit together (i am thinking millions upon millions of years here. long ass fucking time, man.)

And the creation of the other Gods, was, to give her rule criteria? These Gods are untouchable-- they can be hurt, tortured, mained, etc etc but not mentally harmed, and their souls remain intact and unmodifiable because of their ascention. Also because the Old Gods but like.....a safe code on their asses, lol.


So yeah, tl;dr, NewEarth is basically for Sovena? Once she finally has her act together, I am willing to bet she finally gets a place in the cosmos, or what have you. Or, maybe, for all we know, she just chills with this little corner of her galaxy and does things right for a change. We dont even know where the Old Gods went. Maybe the Allmighty Gaia absorbed them or some shit. We'd nver really know, and it's never really specifically covered? I can't really see the aftermath of the Gods being any real, specific focus? Even then, the acts of the Lower Gods isnt really focused on much after awhile, as it basically focuses more on individuals who go and fuck stuff up in their name?

Wow TL;DR bitches who are Gods basically don't get much focus after awhile.

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Specifically, I was thinking of what the FUCK these guys would actually DO while they are chilling and facepalming forever over Sovena being a fuckhead and not knowing how to fucking run a planet I mean fuck,

Kinda focusing on Winnifred, since bitch kinda is used to being SPOILED AND RISH AND SNOTTY AND BOSSY AND HAVING ALL HER SHIT TAKEN CARE OF FOR HER and suddenly she has to be a God of an emotion and a previously mortal sin???? WOW WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN NO NO NO I DONT WANNA DO IT NO YOU CANT MAKE ME

Yeah basically, so she really just tries to avoid ALL WORK AT ALL POSSIBLE, WHENEVER SHE CAN. I can see her collecting alot of things, people, and songs andworks of art....and eventually she might want to get even more specific? Like, wanting to own IDEA. Or a person. More, like, she can controll a thought or inspiration and only give it to those she wants to have. I think she would be the best God ever at mental espionage lolololol

Also because she kind of lost the love of her....well, life, HAHA, on Old Earth, I bet she kinda refuses to do so again. Mostly because were it not for her mental condition she would never have loved him anyway, but also because, as a God, she eventually starts to see herself as above humans in general??? Sees them as nothing but pets etc etc, and would only really give a flying fuck about other Gods?? Even then, that might be stressing her give-a-fuck metre, because she would still think her opinion was the only one that mattered.

Only people she might actually listen to would be Lyra and Lyrin? Lyrin because he is a creepy little anter-headed blind creepy smart boy, and she listens to him only because the she he says is.....sometimes, anyway, IMPORTANT.

And Lyra just because she is kinda more or less the God two-wheel device for making everyone GET THE FUCK ALONG and really cordinate this shit at all.

She also has a lovely habit of being able to get into anywhere, no matter how locked up it is lol. HANDY TOOL, THAT.

Trying to think over NewEarth a little more, like.....names, continents, major powers/cities and the affect of magic?? Trying to focus more on the Gods and their influence at the moment, I guess.

Also eventually I bet the Gods would be able to break free of their 'imposed' physiques and take on the bodies of their previous life.*

*This is halarious because I came up with a scenario that, Lyrin (while delving ino tthe mind of Raziel) cycles through the bodies of all his AU forms and has to deal with emotions and memeories from each of them the longer he stays. I bet this would be a wonderful way to get lost in the mind of someone for long enough a time LOLOLOLOL

Wow okay motherfuck this is enough type, GONNA GO SLEEP NOW BYE.

c: sovena, c: lyra, c: winnifred, c:lyrin

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