(no subject)

Feb 28, 2011 03:42

title : la la love you
pairing/fandom : mini/alo, skins
rating : PG-13 - drinking, drugs, mentions of sex, much swearing
word count : 1845
summary : 50 sentences that detail the relationship between Mini and Alo.
a/n : Okay, so I think we all know by now that this is my OTP and I've seen a lot of people join in on the love. Beware! It's hard to do this without run on sentences, so they're abundant. Get ready for it.

I jacked the title from a Pixies song because it's 3:30 and I can't bring myself to think much about it. I also jacked the words from 1sentence. I couldn't wait to request and I'm supposed to write a Troy/Britta there first, but, hey! Sometimes there are more important things. And those things are Alo and Mini.

la la love you

o1; ring

The first time that Alo understands that Mini was serious about wanting to be his friend is when he hands her a cheap, Top Shop ring that she forgot in his van and she pulls him into an affection hug in front of the Roundview elite; he feels bad for calling her a bitch all those times before (even if it was true).

o2; hero

Alo tries his best to help all of his friends, new and old, but there is still something that makes him want to rescue Mini the most, to prove to her that not all men are awful.

o3; memory

They drunkenly pour over painful memories, of her mocking him and him calling her a bitch, and apologise before taking a new friendship hit from his joint.

o4; box

She ruffles around his room until she finds his box of photos, cooing over him as she pours over each one; he’s weirdly flattered and understandably embarrassed.

05; run

After yet another night partying in some random’s house, Mini jumps on Alo’s back and begs him to run and chase Rich around a light pole as she shrikes with laughter in his ear.

o6; hurricane

There was a point in his life where the very sight of Mini McGuinness strutting down the corridor terrified him; now she pulls him along and laughs at his jokes and he’s glad to be safe in the eye of the hurricane.

o7; wings

They go to a fancy dress party at Rider’s house; Alo dresses up like a devil and Mini dresses up like an angle, but it isn’t long before she slurs that he deserves the wings more than she does.

o8; cold

All it takes it one temperature complaint before Alo hand Mini his overwhelming trench coat; she wears it for longer than she needs because it turns out that Alo’s clothes smell really nice.

o9; red

She teases him for being a ginger, but Mini can’t help but be thankful for that bright red hair of his; it’s easier to find him at parties and clubs this way.

1o; drink

They make a drinking game out of the love drama going on around them and both fail to take a swig for their own unresolved sexual tension.

11; midnight

At midnight, Alo and Mini follow Franky and Liv as they argue and shout at one another about something to do with Matty; Alo hands Mini his gin bottle and she’s beyond thankful that she’s out of the drama.

12; temptation

At two AM, they’re still watching the drama unfold around them; Mini’s hair falls out of her clip and he can’t fight the temptation to push it behind her ear.

13; view

At five AM, they sit on the top of his van and look out at the strange beauty that Bristol gives them; Liv and Franky are crying as they apologise to each other, but Mini still can’t bring herself to give a fuck.

14; music

Sometimes Alo picks her up first when the gang needs a ride, just to let her pick the music - the way she smiles at him as they annoy Rich with the uplifting beats of Girls Aloud is worth the extra fifteen minutes it takes to get her.

15; silk

Mini makes a habit of feeling Alo’s clothes, running her hands against the contrasting textiles so Alo makes it a habit to buy more contrasting textiles.

16; cover

They both fall asleep in his van after a night of careless drinking; Alo’s arm covers her waist and his face is buried in her neck, so she pretends to be asleep just to stay that way a little longer.

17; promise

They watch as their friends roll around in their angst and it’s so pathetic to them that they take a promise shot of Jager and swear they won’t do the same thing.

18; dream

They get high and watch Inception in his van while they wait for Rich to smuggle Grace out of the all-girls prison; they quickly trip out and run outside to get away from Leonardo DiCaprio.

19; candle

He lights the candles on her birthday cake and the light of the fire plays against his hair and Mini can’t stop herself before she wishes for him.

2o; talent

On their quest to thoroughly annoy Rich as often as possible, Alo and Mini discovered their gift of harmonisation; they warm up with Cheryl Cole and finish with Nine Inch Nails.

21; silence

It’s beyond embarrassing, but Alo and Mini have started to have moments when they just stare at each other without saying a word; they’re both thankful that it’s only Franky that notices.

22; journey

Mini and Alo take a trip with Grace and Rich, a non-official double date, and they drive around the country to forget about the drama going on back in Bristol, but they can’t drive forever.

23; fire

Mini didn’t like a lot about herself, but she absolutely adored her attitude, so she resented Nick and Liv even more for fucking each other because they took that away from her; still, Alo drinks with her, messes with her, sometimes gets angry with her and slowly strokes the fire back.

24; strength

He’s taken to throwing her over his shoulder, lifting her up and carrying her on his back, just in an effort to get close to her; thank god she’s light.

25; mask

She stops caring when he sees her without make-up and catches her in her sweats and pyjamas; he still looks at her like she’s perfect anyway.

26; ice

The group tries to go skating in a vain attempt at pretending nothing is fucked up in their friendship; Alo boasts that he has a Canadian cousin so clearly he’ll be the best, so of course he’s the first one to fall.

27; fall

He catches her around her waist when she stumbles drunkenly over her insensible heels and instead of being thankful, she shoves him away; when she stumbled again, he came back.

28; forgotten

They both claim to forget the first time they kiss, because it’s sloppy and drunken and at this point in their fucked up relationship-thing, they deserve better.

29; dance

It isn’t long before Alo edges his way up to be Mini’s favourite dancing partner, because he jumps and has fun, dragging her into a place where she doesn’t have to care how sensual and pretty she looks - it’s much more fun that way.

3o; body

The first time they have sex, Mini slowly peels off each piece of clothing and stands before him completely naked and because he knows what a big deal that is for her, he tries his hardest to worship every part of her.

31; sacred

She pouts as he makes fun of her favourite childhood toy, but quickly forgives him as he smothers her face in kisses, making her laugh.

32; farewells

He sits with her on her couch as her mother breaks up with her latest ex-boyfriend and Alo gives Greg a small wave good bye - it was a shame because Greg had the best weed.

33; world

Mini ignores as her friends collapse under their own drama around her and feels guilty about it every time she sees Alo vainly attempt to keep their world together; every so often, she’ll slyly try to help and hopes no one notices.

34; formal

They go to the Love Ball as a group and Mini can’t help but be slightly jealous that Alo can pull off such a suit; the group quickly devolves as the infamous love square basks in their angst and Rich and Grace snog in a corner - Alo and Mini get high and dance like fools and easily have the best night ever.

35; fever

Alo curls in her bed, complaining constantly as Mini takes his temperature - he calls her the best psudo-not really girlfriend ever and cuddles into her breasts as he falls asleep.

36; laugh

They lounge around in her bed for an entire weekend and marathon bad 80s movies; he makes her snort from laughing so hard, sending them into another fit of hysterics.

37; lies

The first time Alo tells Mini he loves her, she sneers and pushes him away, say’s he’s “the biggest fucking liar and perv” and to get the fuck away from her.

38; forever

Alo doesn’t care and promises to love her forever anyway.

39; overwhelmed

It scares her more than anything that he actually means it and she doesn’t want to ruin him like she ruined herself.

4o; whisper

Alo takes to whispering it to her when they’re around other people, each time he sees that uncertain expression cross her face or her eyes lingering on calorie-ridden food or her reflection for too long - it kills her that it makes her feel better.

41; wait

It takes Mini three whole weeks before she can tell Alo that she loves him too; he wipes away her tears and pulls her into a hug and for the first time in his life, doesn’t say a word.

42; talk

Although it makes him feel like a pussy, his favourite thing about Mini is how easily he can talk to her, joke with her and even argue with her.

43; search

Frankie, Matty and Liv are no where to be found, so they drive around in his massive blue van in a vain attempt to find them; Mini grips Alo’s hand tightly as the guilt pulses through her.

44; hope

They find Liv and Matty curled together on a bench first and smile at each other before trying to rouse them to drag them to a van - Alo wraps an arm around Mini’s shoulder and smiles down at her.

45; eclipse

Rich breaks up with Grace days into their final year of school and the depression drags down the entire group; she was the sunlight and glue that held them together.

46; gravity

Alo, per usual, drags everyone back to reality and quickly tells Rich that he’s being a massive prick; Mini can’t help but beam with pride in the back of the van as Alo berates Rich for being an idiot.

47; highway

Rich makes him stop in the middle of the highway so he can run over to Grace’s house; Alo and Mini share an eye roll at his dramatics, but do it anyway.

48; unknown

He sits across from Mini’s mother’s new boyfriend and tries to be intimidating; of course he fails and slinks into Mini’s room to get away from the awkward stranger.

49; lock

Mini can’t help but sob as she apologises for locking Alo’s keys in the van and she only sobs harder when he very kindly tells her to shut the fuck up as he picks the lock and opens the door.

5o; breathe

She watches the slow rise and fall of his chest and can’t help but smile and think that all the drama was worth it in the end.

mini/alo, fic, skins

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