
Mar 18, 2011 09:58

title : smiled at me and that was the end
pairing/fandom : alo/nick, skins
rating : PG-13 - drinking, drugs, much swearing
word count : 2845
prompt : Nick expresses his boycrush on Alo in the most unintentionally dorky (and unfortunately public) way. Rich cheers on the social suicide. Alo finds himself charmed. ♥ LULZY NICK & MAKE OUTS ENSUE. (bonus points for Rider mocking)

a/n : I may have strayed a bit, but it's easy when it's this long. This is for the first round of the skinsfans ficathon.

I stole the title from a lyric in Blur's "I'm Just a Killer for your Love".

Nick had no idea how it happened.

Like, at all.

He was supposed to be straight, right? He still liked girls. He didn’t even really give men a second look.

At least, not until Alo came along.

He was just so… cool. He had the best music and his fashion was impeccable. Nick knew very, very little about fashion outside of polo shirts, but he had heard Mini coo enough over Alo’s leggings to know that they must be quite unique.

And that was attractive, apparently.

There were also times where Alo was just so fucking breathtaking that Nick could hardly look at him.

No matter how gay that made him sound.

There was one time in particular. They were lying illegally in some random park at sunrise, coming down off some random mix of class As. Rich made some lame joke that set Alo off in a fit of laughter. Nick tilted his head to the side and watched him.

He was captivated by the way his whole body shook and his hand entwined in that gorgeous ginger hair.

That hair.

Nick was enthralled with the way that the bright orange contrasted with the deep green of the park grass. Alo’s eyes shifted over to Nick and the deep green of his eyes sparkled at him.

Nick’s heart could barely take it.

Okay, maybe he was a bit more into guys than he thought.

Still, Nick tried his hardest to push his budding feelings down. After all, Alo was the best friend Nick ever had in his entire life.

It’s not very often that you get a buddy that will lug you home, tuck you in and make excuses to your scary as hell father. Alo had just the right combination of charm and humour to win over Papa Levan.

So Nick decided that Alo would just be his best friend who he gazed at wistfully from time to time.

At least, until the events of the last weekend.

Nick stumbled out of some random’s house party, trying to catch a glimpse of ginger hair. He had to have been searching for half an hour (sober, but it felt like forever when he was high), only to trip over a long pair of familiar legs on the porch.

Nick’s eyes traced up the long pair of legs, only to discover Mini silently crying into Alo’s shoulder. Alo’s long fingers were combing through her waves as he whispered encouraging words into her ear. They were sharing a half-smoked cigarette between them.

Alo looked over Mini’s head at Nick and gave him a half smile. He took the cigarette from between Mini’s fingers and took a long drag, the torched end lighting up, causing orange light to flicker in his green eyes.

“Mins,” he said softly, grinding the cigarette out on the wooden porch. “Nick and I are going to take you home, yeah?”

Mini made a straggled noise and nodded. The jewellery she wore made a clinking sound as Alo hoisted her to her feet. She swayed slightly before wrapping both of her arms around Alo’s waist.

The sight of the odd duo caused Nick to sober up slightly. He couldn’t help but feel slightly responsible for Mini’s misery. Sure, it was her unrequited love for Matty’s latest girlfriend who hurt her this time, but Nick was fairly sure it was his shitty treatment of her during their relationship that made her look for unhealthy connections.

Well, that’s what he gathered from her Cosmos.

Alo began to lead Mini away from the party, Nick lingering awkwardly behind.

It didn’t take long for them to get to her house. Alo quickly sweet talked her mother’s new boyfriend to let them into the house. Mini’s mother made some passing remark about what a fantastic boyfriend Alo was, which Alo shrugged off with a joke and a wave.

Nick couldn’t help but feel the jealousy bubble up inside of him. He knew that he should get over it, but just couldn’t.

When they reached her room, Nick took his old spot on the ground and listened to Alo try to talk Mini to sleep.

“I don’t get it, Farm Boy,” she slurred as Alo pulled off her bracelets. “Why doesn’t she love me?”

“There are just some things that are, Minerva,” he said soothingly, gently pushing her backwards into her pillows. “We can’t control everything.”

“It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have been a bitch,” Mini said, fresh tears coming to her eyes.

Alo sighed through his nose as he began pulling off her shoes. “You’re not a bitch anymore.” Alo stood up and pulled the blankets over her. He knelt down next to her face. “You’re our friend and you’re a great one. If Franky can’t love you, then it’s her fucking loss, to be honest. There’s plenty of other blokes and chicks in the world.”

Nick could barely see the action from over Alo’s head, but he could see Mini’s red rimmed eyes as she shifted and turned her back to Alo.

Alo’s shoulders slumped and he moved to lay down next to Nick. He rolled on his side, so his face was level with Nick’s. The two laid silently, Mini’s soft sobs filling the room.

Alo’s eyes flicked up to Nick’s and he gave him a small smile before rolling onto his back.

And that was the moment. The night that Nick realized it wasn’t just some weird attraction that he felt towards Alo. It wasn’t some random crush or misplaced admiration.

He was in love with Alo.

The panic that filled him in this very moment was beyond anything he ever felt. Even more than waiting for his STD results after sleeping with that cocaine lady. It took every single fibre of restraint to not start flailing his arms wildly.

Alo was far too cool to find that attractive.

Nick stared aimlessly at Mini’s ceiling as he waited for the soft sounds of Alo’s snores to mix with Mini’s sobs.

He sat up and gazed down at Alo.

It made sense to love him, really.

Alo was like no other bloke he ever met in his life. Or girl, for that matter. How many seventeen year olds would sacrifice a party to give advice to a girl who treated him like shit less than a year before?

Or would pull out all the stops for a wedding that was never going to happen?

Or try to be friendly to everyone?

As far as Nick was concerned, people were crazy for not being in love with Alo. He was the sane one.

For once.

Nick’s thoughts were interrupted by a strangled sob coming from Mini’s general direction. He let out a soft sigh through his nose.

Didn’t those poncy romantic comedies always have the rough guy be improved by his morally superior love?

That’s how they went, right?

Nick had never actually paid attention to a whole one, but that seemed right.

Nick carefully stepped over Alo and manoeuvred his way to Mini’s bed. She froze as he placed a hand on her back. Nick sank down to sit beside her as she rolled over to face him.

The two exs stared at each other for a moment.

“I’m not any good at this,” Nick whispered to break the silence.

Mini snorted. “I know, Nick. We dated for, like, ever.”

Nick shifted awkwardly as Mini rose onto her elbows.

“So,” she started again, wiping the remaining tears off her cheeks. “Why are you here? Alo could look after me.”

“Alo… asked me to come. He said I was coming,” Nick’s eyes travelled down to the ginger, who’s arm was thrown over his face. “Alo asked me to.”

Mini levelled a hard gaze at him and Nick’s panic began to rise.

“And who can say no to Alo? Have you ever tried? He looks like a fucking puppy that’s been stabbed through the leg and is forced to find kibble all on it’s own. And you just know Alo would never say no to helping you, so the guilt starts and he’s too fucking perfect for his own good. I think only Alo’s mom can say no to Alo and that’s because she’s a massive cu-”

Mini held a hand up to stop Nick’s ramblings. “You’re going to wake him up if you keep going on like that.”

Nick’s mouth shut closed.

Mini’s eyes narrowed as a smirk began to cross her face.

Nick braced himself for the impact.

“Do you fancy him, Nicholas?”

Nick remained silent.

Any minute now he would receive the ultimate Mini treatment. Mocking, bitchiness, gossip, the works.

Or so he thought.

Mini merely sighed and wrapped her hand around his. Nick squeezed it tightly, like he couldn’t bring himself to do before.

“Do something about it, Nick,” she implored, turning her still red-rimmed eyes up to his face.

“I can’t.” Nick said firmly, with a shake of his head. “He’s my best friend.”

“Even more reason,” Mini shrugged.

“He’s straight.”

“You sure?”

Nick glared at her.

“I’m just saying, Nick. I thought I was completely straight. You thought you were completely straight -”

“I am straight,” Nick said harshly.

“Except for Alo,” Mini offered.

“… Yeah, except for him.” Nick paused and offered Mini a quirked smile. “I’m a Creevey-sexual.”

Mini smiled back. “An Alophile, perhaps?”

“A gingerholic?” Mini crinkled her nose and looked away at that one.

The two lapsed into silence once more.

“I’m sorry that you’re sad, Mins,” Nick said simply.

Mini gave him a weak smile. “Well, like Alo said, I can’t help that. Somethings just are, right? You can fix your situation, though.” Mini pulled her hand out of Nick’s and settled back down on the bed. “Just tell him. It’s better that way.”

Nick sat on the edge of her bed for so long he lost track of the time. He had some thinking to do.


Which led him here. Hanging out with Mini and Liv in the common room.

He was going to do it. He was going to tell Alo that he loved him.

And he was scared shitless.

“What if he rejects me and spits in my face while dancing around me as I sob pathetically about my lost love?” Nick asked, turning to Mini.

Mini looked at him oddly. “It’s Alo. He could never be so cruel.”

Nick nodded absentmindedly. Any moment now, Alo was going to be done with his Geography class. Then, if it went according to plan, he would drag Alo outside and tell him everything.

Nick couldn’t take his eyes off of the door. The Ginger King was seconds away from bursting in. The students trickled in. First Rich and Grace, who made their way over to his area, then Rider and finally Alo.

Nick’s eyes narrowed.

Alo who was currently flirting with some random girl.

He snapped his head over to Mini.

She looked back at him and cocked an eyebrow. “What?” She asked after a moment of silence.

“Now what?!” He snapped.

Mini groaned and pushed him upwards. “Just go do it, you pussy!” She exclaimed. Several pairs of eyes whipped in his direction.

Taking a deep breath, Nick walked over to where Alo and this stranger bitch were sitting. They were laughing a lot. Too much, really. Too much to be strictly friendly.

Nick stopped when he reached Alo, who glanced up at him with a questioning look on his face.

“Um, Als, can I talk to you for a moment? Outside?” Nick asked, shifting awkwardly on his feet.

Alo raised an eyebrow. “Can it wait, mate? I’m kind of occupied at the moment.” Alo nodded towards the girl. “This is Lydia.”

Nick looked the girl over. There was no way she was good enough for Alo. So what if she was technically pretty? There was something off putting about her. “Er, hi.” Nick said softly. “Alo, I really need to tell you something?”

Nick noticed the shift in Alo’s face. Alo may be a nice guy, but he could have a very short temper. “Then just tell me, Nick. I’m not getting up.” Alo leaned back in his chair, straightening his legs in front of him.

“Alo, please…” Nick said, his eyes darting around. People were starting to pay attention to them.

“What could you possibly need to say that’s that important, mate?” Alo exclaimed.

“I’m in love with you!” Nick shouted quickly before slapping his hand over his mouth. Alo’s eyes widened almost comically. Nick would laugh if he wasn’t devistated.

“Ha! Mate, I knew you were nothing more than a big homo!” Rider yelled from across the room. His rugby buddies laughed loudly.

He heard Mini’s familiar clang of jewellery as she stood up to support him. “Why don’t you shut the fuck up and leave him alone, Rider?” She exclaimed.

Alo seemed to gather his bearings and stood up, standing close to Nick.

“I don’t think you know what you’re saying, mate,” he said softly. His breath hit Nick’s face and Nick felt his breaths shallow. Who knew that spearmint and weed would mix into such an intoxicating smell. “Are you high?”

“No, I’m not high, Alo,” Nick hissed through gritted teeth. “I just love you, okay? If anything, that just makes me slightly insane.”

Alo rolled his eyes at that. “You’re not in love with me, mate. You love me, sure. That’s platonic love. I know you’ve never had a best mate and you’re just confused.”

Nick through his hands down. “It’s not platonic, okay? I really… really fucking love you. I love everything about you. Your ginger hair and weird clothes and your... chillaxid-ness… stuff.” Nick glanced behind him at Mini, who had slapped one hand to her head.

“Anyway,” he continued, his cheeks reddening from embarrassment. “I just love you.”

Nick watched as Alo’s face changed from disbelief to understanding. Their eyes were locked and Nick desperately wanted to look away. He could never deny Alo, though.

“Nice going, poof!” Rider yelled from behind them. “He really seems to love you back!”

There was a pause.

“That was sarcasm!”

Nick’s eyes fell down to Alo’s shirt. His stomach started to feel weird, it was twisting in different directions. His heart felt heavy, like it was going to drop to the floor. He was horrified to feel the familiar pricking of tears coming to his eyes.

He began to back away. He could hear Mini coming up behind him. He would hate her forever for putting him through this pain.

He was suddenly yanked back to Alo, who had a death grip on his arm. Nick’s eyes snapped up to the ginger’s face. There was a mix of uncertainty and confusion still in his eyes.

Alo surged forward suddenly pressed his lips against Nick’s.

It was awkward.

Neither knew which way to tilt their heads. Their noses were uncomfortably pressed together and Nick’s arms were hanging limply at his sides. They were standing a bit too far apart.

Still, for Nick, it was perfect.

Unwilling to let this opportunity go to waste, Nick slowly raised his hand to Alo’s neck, threading his fingers through that ginger hair he loved so much. He tilted his head to the side a little more and softened the kiss.

He felt Alo step forward a little more. Alo’s hand wandered up Nick’s arm to his shoulder.

The sounds around Nick became muffled. He could vaguely hear Rich expressing surprise, the clang from Mini’s bracelets as she clapped happily, the rugby boys jeering and the fangirls squeeling.

Alo pulled away first and beamed at Nick. Nick looked at Alo expectantly.

“Well!” Alo exclaimed suddenly, slapping his hands to his side. “That was better than I imagined it would be!”

Nick looked at Alo with a bit of shock. It was hard to emote properly when all he could feel was joy bubbling up in him. He felt like dancing around the common room.

As if Rider didn’t have enough ammo.

“You imagined it?” Nick managed to croak.

“Well sure, Nicholas!” Alo slapped him on the shoulder before snaking it around the back of Nick’s neck to pull him to his side. Alo nodded once at Lydia before walking over to their friends. “A man’s sexuality is fluid. It’s totally cool with me if you want to go out or something.”

Nick sat down on the couch and Alo flopped down beside him. “You want to go out with me?”

Alo shrugged. “Yeah, o’ course. I could do a lot worse,” he said as he gestured vaguely to Lydia. “Besides,” Alo looked over at Nick more seriously. “I mean, you weren’t the only one feeling… feelings, mate.”

Nick smiled brightly. If felt like a huge weight had been taken off him. His inner torment seemed to lessen greatly.

“I’m not gay, though,” Alo said suddenly. “Just you.”

Nick nodded, understanding completely. “Yeah. Just you.”

fic, skins, alo/nick

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