(no subject)

Jan 07, 2011 01:22

title : Best Night Ever
pairing/fandom : troy/britta, community
rating : PG - drinking, smoking
word count : 1609
summary : Troy is at the new bar in town with his old football team mates and runs into Britta.
a/n : So, this is my gift for the Xmas Xchange. I just like super Kool Letterz. I don’t think that I’m allowed to say who this is for, so… happy belated, friend! Hope you (and everyone) enjoys it!

I realise this is majority late, but I was sick the last week and never got around to finishing it.

Also, first fic in my 2011 resolution to write something once a week!

There are several important facts that all men just seem to know. They range in importance. For example, when a woman tells you she’s pregnant, you never bring up the abortion first. That’s an important one.

The last beer in the fridge is reserved for the owner of the house you’re crashing in. That’s also an important one. Perhaps the most important one.

She never looks fat. Ever. Even if she does.

However, one of the minor facts that men everywhere should know is that you never go to the hottest club in town without women. Preferably hot women, but any woman would do. You won’t get in.

Unfortunately for Troy, this fact slipped his mind on the coldest night of the year. Oh sure, it seemed like a great idea to leave Abed’s dorm to hang out and try to pull slutty drunk girls with his old football team mates on the first Saturday of winter break.

It wasn’t.

The group was standing in the queue for Colorado’s newest club, Dare.

“I told you guys we should have brought some chicks with us,” Troy’s team mate Kyle complained, teeth chattering.

“Um, newsflash, Kyle. The chicks we knew in high school don’t want to hang out with us anymore!” Another team mate, Dale, said as he rubbed his hands together.

“Hey, guys,” Troy interjected, grinning at the two. “Maybe we should stop calling them chicks. Britta says -”

“Ugh,” they groaned together.

Kyle punched Troy in the shoulder. “You’re such a pussy now, Wonder Boy.”

“I swear to god, if I hear one more thing about that chick you like-”

“She has a name,” Troy said, sticking his nose in the air slightly. “Don’t ever tell her I said that, though! She can’t ever find out.”

“Can’t ever find out what?” Troy turned around to face the object of his affections. Britta beamed up at him. She was wearing skin tight black jeans with a low-cut sequined tank top. Her ever present leather jacket glistened with melted snow and a cigarette dangled between her fingers.

“Britta!” Troy exclaimed. He couldn’t help but be excited. Troy couldn’t help but be drawn to the older woman. “What are you doing here?”

“Greenpeace reunion,” she said, flicking her cigarette and grounding it out with her boot. She looked over the former football players. “You guys came without a girl? You’ll never get in.”

Dale pushed past Troy and stopped in front of him. “Well, maybe you can help us, baby,” he purred.

“Ugh,” Britta groaned, wrinkling her nose. “Your friend is a douchebag, Troy.”

Troy glared at Dale. “I know.” Dale shrugged.

Britta shook her head and grasped onto Troy’s arm. “I know the bouncer,” she said with a grin, pulling him forward. She motioned for his ex-team mates to follow them. Troy couldn’t help but be impressed as she ducked under the chain that separated the line from the glorious, glorious retro music pumping from inside. She whispered something to the bouncer who laughed and nodded.

She ran back over to them. “Alrighty, boys! Come on in!” She lifted the chain rope.

The guys behind Troy cheered. “Your girlfriend is awesome, T-Bone!” Kyle exclaimed as he rushed past the bouncer.

A flush spread across Troy’s cheeks and he shook his head when he saw Britta’s smirk. “I didn’t say you were my girlfriend.”

Britta let out a laugh. “Don’t worry about it, T-Bone.” She grabbed his arm again and dragged him up the stairs to the bar. The music was already too loud. She turned around and leaned over to his ears. “I think you’ll really like it here! It has the best tunes in town.”

Troy laughed. “Tunes?”

Britta winked and continued into the bar. “My table’s over there!” She said loudly when they met back with the group, leading them over.


After two hours of dancing and drinking together, Britta and Troy found themselves back at the group’s table, watching as Dale groped Britta’s friend Rachel’s chest. He kissed her neck as she sipped her sugary drink over his head.

Britta shook her head. “Rachel, I thought you were a lesbian!” She yelled over the music.

Rachel shrugged and dragged Dale’s face back to her’s. Britta huffed and turned to Troy. She downed the rest of her drink. “Do you want to get out of here?” Britta whispered in his ear.

“God yes,” Troy sighed. His team mates were grinding with girls on the dance floor, groping them and getting beyond drunk.

He hated to admit it, but it just wasn’t his thing anymore.

“So, do you want to walk home or get a cab or something?” Troy asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets, shivering slightly.

Britta nodded. “We may as well walk home. There’s no way we’re going to get a cab tonight.” She began walking, fishing for her cigarettes in her pocket. The continued on their way as she took a few drags. “It’s weird, isn’t it?” She asked suddenly.

“What’s weird?” Troy cocked his head and looked down at her.

“When you outgrow your old friends,” she responded with a shrug. “When the people you use to spend every possible moment with suddenly aren’t as cool or funny or smart as you once thought they were. When they disappoint you. When you realise that you just don’t … fit anymore.”

Troy scratched the back of his neck. “I don’t know. It’s weird, but I’m glad. I don’t want to be like them anymore.” He beamed down at her and she smiled back. “I have better friends now.”

Britta wrinkled her nose and shoved him lightly. She shivered lightly.

“Why do you wear that coat if it isn’t even warm?” Troy asked as he wrapped his arm around her. The duo went silent for a moment or two, the only sound between them being the clacking of Britta’s boots on the concrete below them.

Troy was about to remove his arm when he felt her arm curling around his waist. “You have to admit that it’s super cool.”

Troy smiled down at her. “Well, I can’t deny that.”

The continued to walk in silence. Troy took a few glances down at Britta. Her hair was more dishevelled than when he first saw her. Her normally perfectly messy hair had a less planned look about it.

“I just want to apologise, Troy,” she sighed suddenly, cutting through his thoughts.

Troy stopped in his tracks and swung her around to face him. “Apologise for what? Tonight was awesome!”

She shook her head. “I mean about your birthday party. It wasn’t cool for Jeff and I to get that drunk and make out in the car.”

Troy shifted awkwardly. “It was no big deal, Britta.”

“It was a big deal!” She exclaimed. “It’s just… Jeff and I have been through a lot. We-”

“I don’t really need to know,” Troy huffed.

“Yes, you do!” Britta exclaimed suddenly, grasping on to his forearms. “It didn’t mean anything. He’s totally hung up on Annie and he won’t admit it and I’m single and … I’m single. We were just drunk. It doesn’t mean anything. I’m sorry if we ruined your birthday.”

Troy shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, Britta. At least I have birthdays now,” he added with a laugh. Britta laughed with him and they turned around to continue on their journey. Britta immediately wrapped her arm around his waist again.

Troy couldn’t help the elated feeling that was boiling in him. He couldn’t pinpoint the moment he fell for Britta. She was completely different from his normal type. He generally went for slightly stupid, easy girls. The popular ones. The vapid ones.

Britta was different. She was new. She was interesting. She could teach him a thing or two, that was for sure.

They stopped at the stoop of her apartment. “Do you want to stay over?” She asked, tilting her head to one side. “I mean, Pierce lives pretty far away.”

Troy considered the offer for a moment. “Nah, I’ll just go crash at Abed’s,” he said with a shrug. He couldn’t help the hopeful pain in his heart when a disappointed look crossed her face.

She shrugged and smiled up at him. “I guess I won’t see you until next semester, then,” she said. She leaned up and pressed her lips to his. The mix to tobacco and alcohol lingered on her lips and her hand cradled his cheek. One of his hands ran down her back, pulling her closer to him.

With the low moan that escaped her throat encouraging him, Troy got the courage to run his other hand through her hair. The lack of oxygen caused her to pull back and he rested his forehead against hers.

They stood there for a moment or two, smiling at each other. Britta pulled away from him, walking backwards up the stairs to her apartment door. “Happy winter break, Troy.” She laughed at the dazed look on his face.

Troy shook his head and smiled at her. “Merry Christmas, Britta.” He still stood frozen.

Britta twisted a piece of hair around her finger. “Maybe we could see each other during the break, actually.” She paused. “If you want.”

“Oh, I want.” Troy said, with the lovesick look still on his face. She laughed again and waved a final time before walking into her apartment.

Troy stayed in his spot for another few minutes before heading in the direction of Abed’s dorm.

Maybe he would do more than just play video games for the break.

fic, troy/britta, community

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