Happy Caturday!

Oct 23, 2010 21:57

The Evolution of the Geek

Um... there are no girl geeks? Puhleeze.


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I find it completely hilarious that Daniel Radcliffe is playing "Edmund".

I adore the Simpsons' Treehouses of Horror. I can't believe this is the twenty-first one! I've seen them all as an adult old enough to drink. I'm really, really old.



I love Misha. *smorshes Misha*


OMG YAY! Raising Hope is having an HOUR for Halloween next week! W00t!


I'm behind on my shows -- again. But that's what weekends without cable are for!

You hear that noise? That's the sound of both Twi-hards and Sam Girls flipping out in rage and swearing never to watch this show again. Sorry, Twi-hards, that's what you get. But Sam Girls? I know you're pissed... but WAIT. I bet this is NOT what it looks like. You know I'm the first to get pissed off at crappy things on my favorite shows, but I'm betting this is not a crappy thing in the long run. I think ultimately, the Boys are going to end up stronger than ever... even if they die at the end.

YMMV, of course.

That other sound is me going, "Vampire Dean? Guh. Blblblblblblblblbl." *drool*

Of course, I throoughly enjoyed the mocking of the Twi-hards. If I was a young, attractive vampire guy, I'd be having the time of my unlife, too. Favorite line? Dean looking at the book cover portraying an Edwardy character in the room of a Bella-y character, watching her sleep, and he says, "Look at this. He's watching her sleep. How's that not rapey?"

Oh, word, Dean, I've been saying that all along.

My other primary focus on the episode (besides wondering why we've all forgotten that long dead Grandpa Campbell is still cruising around without anybody commenting, is the vision Dean had when he was vamped out and in the lair, and the BIG VOICE FROM ABOVE knocked everybody out.

1. Did this remind anyone somewhat of a reaction to an angel's unfiltered presence?

2. Why was Dean the last to drop?

3. What I could get from the vision: a little brown-haired girl, a bunch of wooden crosses in a field, a guy in shadow with nasty pointy nails, a big Georgian house overgrown with ivy, same little girl again (blue dress with a white ribbon around her waist and a white flower in her hair), bald guy on a bench looking at aforementioned Georgian house, True Blood style platelet shot, crosses in field again, a classroom full of empty desks, little girl again, scary bald guy again, unidentified cells under a microscope?, cool shot of the human circulatory system, which blends into a map that has Aurora, Illinois circled, but the blood starts further down and pours up all the highways like they're veins (which looks very cool), then CLOSEUP on the circled Aurora area, scary bald guy again, crosses again, Georgian house again, little girl having creepy night time tea party with her creepy dolly in front of Georgian house, creepy girl feeds creepy dolly BLOOD from a teacup, graveyard again, a cell dividing, creepy girl, EEEP! NOW TWIN CREEPY GIRLS!, TWIN DISAPPEARS LEAVING ONLY ORIGINAL CREEPY GIRL WTF! AAACK TWIN RETURNS AGAIN!, close up on creepy girl WHO SHOWS US HER VAMPIRE TEETH, Bloody Creepy Dolly, Creepy twins playing with twin creepy dollies while kneeling in the grass in front of scary bald guy (whose face we haven't seen yet), weathervane against stormy sky, scary bald guy sitting on the bench in front of a swamp, creepy twins playing with creepy dolls, then look up at scary bald guy, Scary bald guy bends over to creepy twins with his scary claw nails, and we see his face. HEY, don't we know that scary bald guy? Isn't he an angel? At least, I KNOW I know the actor. Is he Gabriel? Shit, I can't remember enough about last season, but I KNOW he's familiar. Hold on, let me hit the Wiki. Nope, not Gabriel, this actor is African-American (but definitely not Uriel or Raphael). Okay, let's move on, accepting that I can't figure if we've seen him on SPN or not. Next frame: he wipes his yucky claws on twin #1's face, leaving blood behind. Then he smiles. *shudder* Shot of blood, creepy dolly, graveyard, creepy twins looking up at scary guy, upshot of scary guy raising his right hand, pointing to WE DON'T SEE WHAT except that it's skyward. A door opens in a house (I imagine the Georgian, telling by the overgrowth outside), creepy twins walk hand in hand down a hallway toward it out into the night, retread of a bunch of previous shots, then Dean wakes up.

WHAT DOES IT MEEEEEAN? I bet we see that scary guy again.

And then, of course, Dean SEES THE HORRIBLE THING THAT SAM DID. BAD, BAD Faux Sam!

The parallel makeouts were YUCKY AND CREEPY.

Yeah, dark mirrors of each other, blah blah. STILL CREEPY.

Hi Damon! Hiiiii! You're looking hot today. Oh, was there a scene? I missed it.

God, I'm sick to death of freaking Bonnie's whining. Why is the ONLY character of color on this show such a judgmental bitch?

Don't really care about Caroline and/or her Mom.

I always find it hilarious when Damon -- a VAMPIRE -- dismisses the supernatural.

So, let me get this straight, Bitchy Bonnie: you're mad that your best friend isn't keeping you in the loop, but you don't want to be around vampires, and both your former best friend and your current best friend's boyfriend are vampires, and your bitching makes sense... how? Oh, just kill her already if she's not going to be useful.

Actually, I think Elena is kind of annoying too, isn't she?

Hee. "Werewolf thing aside, the guy's a surfer."

You know, I think Mystic Falls has more friggin parties than Las Vegas. What's up with that?

Oh, Caroline, you are so stupid. You better hope they can compel your mother, or everybody's in a shitload of trouble for all the info you just spilled.

I love when Damon's all evil. Hee.

The werewolf guy is really cute and has a gentle kind of face -- I almost feel bad for him.

I sort of saw the vervain thing coming. Oh, and now Wolfsbane too.

So... did Bonnie lie, or was the whole moonstone thing planted in Werewolf guy's imagination?

Oh come on, the snakes conveniently waited until Elena found the stone to suddenly appear?

Somerhalder does AWESOME crazy scary face, man. Oops, bye bye cute werewolf surfer guy.

Oh, no, don't fall for that, Caroline. She's full of shit. She's going to kill you all the first chance she gets. COMPELL THE SHIT OUT OF HER. Why the fuck is Damon leaving it to her anyway?

There you go. But you forgot to make her forget that Damon and Stefan are vampires too.

Yeah, Damon, you know, you should have just left Werewolf Guy's disappearance a mystery -- I think that would have thrown her off track a little more. But you're not exactly subtle, are you?> Which is part of why I love you.

OMG JENNA! Seriously, though, how arrogant is Elena to just assume that Katherine isn't going to at least fuck with her family, at worst kill them all?

Oh, for chripes sake, are we going HERE again? Come here, go away, come here, go away, we can be together, we can't be together. Oy. It's really, really tired. Are they stupid enough to think that breaking up is going to make any difference? GIVE ME A BREAK STUPID TEEN SOAP STORYLINE.

Awww, poor cute Elena's ex boyfriend guy. I wonder what Elena needs a werewolf for?

Man, that episode was half decent, and half freaking tedious. Hope next week is better.

Damon, however, remains hot as usual.

I confess, I really loved the first season of this show, but the second, not as much. I'm hoping the quality goes up for season 3, rather than continuing to drop.

Heh. I guess Will has a visual.

You know, I think it's really unfortunate that they kill so many creatures now. They used to try to save them. I think that's part of what I stopped liking about the show.

Wow, Will, looking pretty rough there, dude. It definitely suits the character. It's good to see him a little off his rocker for a change.

Dude, just take an Ambien. Ah, see, there you go.

Oh, they didn't kill it. That makes me feel better.

I love Big Guy, he's my favorite.

What's with the sniffing, does he have stinky gas?

I really don't know how people take pills dry. I've been on medications of various sorts all my life, and I can't do it.


Oh, for fuck's sake. ANOTHER Twilight reference. Who's "Marcus"? (My ANTI is showing.) AH! Okay, that's funny. I looked it up in the Sanctuary Wiki: When asked about the Twilight movies, Bigfoot replies, "I like Marcus... ." Marcus Volturi is portrayed by Christopher Heyerdahl, who also plays Bigfoot.

HA! Good one. He also brought a Nicolas Sparks book. Hee. And he wears reading glasses.

Oh, for fuck's sake, how is Terrance not in fricking Sanctuary jail or something? Oh, good, at least he got fired. Jeeze.

Uh oh, here comes the Farty Gentlemen again. Oh no, they're zappy! Ah, I get it. I bet they're trying to erase his memories so he won't be able to tell anyone about the god place.

HA! Told ya it was memories.

Ah, Henry rocks. Best tech guy ever.

Oh, no, the aliens totally hari karied!

Holy crap, Magnus' dad! What the hell is 26334? Oh, that first 3 isn't a 3.

Wait... a lost city? WTH does that have to do with anything? Now I'm just confused.


Oh, hey, Dexter's Sister/Wife is on this crappy exorcism movie I'm watching!


Sorry I missed a day on the memes. I haven't been feeling well, and just went straight to bed after SPN last night.

30 Days Memes, DAY THIRTEEN

A scene/moment that made you cry: I've already used Godric's death and the Sookie/Eric scene afterward, so I'll pick something else. Gran's funeral definitely did it.

favourite character arc: I want to automatically say Angel, but I hesitate, because a lot of the crap that happened with him that's written off as "evolution" or "development" really strikes me as dumbing the character down, rather than building on what was already there. I'm looking at you, Dork!Angel -- how does one go from a wise, self-educated, well-read and widely-traveled, classical music loving, tragic hero to a sports page reading, hockey loving, kung fu movie fan, manilow loving, goofy frat boy with fangs? Nothing inherently wrong with the latter, but erasing the former in favor of the latter is BAD CHARACTERIZATION. SO, I'm going to have to say Wesley. His character arc was wonderful, fascinating, funny, tragic and best of all, consistent and always in character.

favourite character arc: Faith (you have to add in her AtS moments too, imo.)

Day 01- Your favorite female character
Day 02- Your favorite male character
Day 03- Your favorite couple
Day 04- Your favorite quote
Day 05- Your favorite promo for season 3
Day 06- Your favorite Lafayette/Tara moment
Day 07- Your favorite Eric/Sookie moment
Day 08- Your favorite Sookie/Bill moment
Day 09- Your favorite Eric/Bill moment
Day 10- Your favorite Sam/Sookie moment
Day 11- Your favorite Sookie Stackhouse moment
Day 12- A scene/moment that pissed you off
Day 13- A scene/moment that made you cry
Day 14- A scene/moment that made you happy
Day 15- Your OTP
Day 16- Your favorite episode
Day 17- Your least favorite episode
Day 18- Your least favorite character
Day 19- Your least favorite scene
Day 20- Your favorite villain
Day 21- Your favorite guest-star
Day 22- Your least favorite guest-star
Day 23- The character you most relate to
Day 24- The character you would like to hear/see more of
Day 25- Something that happened you wish hadn’t
Day 26- Something that hadn’t happened but you wish had
Day 27- Your idea for a future True Blood episode
Day 28- Your idea for a future True Blood character
Day 29- Your idea for a future True Blood couple
Day 30- Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 1 - favourite female character.
Day 2 - favourite male character.
Day 3 - least favourite character.
Day 4 - favourite episode.
Day 5 - favourite season.
Day 6 - favourite couple.
Day 7 - least favourite episode.
Day 8 - least favourite couple.
Day 9 - favourite villain.
Day 10 - something you liked that most people didn’t.
Day 11 - something you hated that most people liked.
Day 12 - least favourite season.
Day 13 - favourite character arc.
Day 14 - a scene that made you laugh.
Day 15 - a scene that made you cry.
Day 16 - something that made you think “WTF?!”.
Day 17 - saddest character death.
Day 18 - best “Team Angel” line-up.
Day 19 - favourite Cordy moment.
Day 20 - favourite Wesley moment.
Day 21 - favourite Gunn moment.
Day 22 - favourite Fred moment.
Day 23 - wackiest-looking demon.
Day 24 - a character who didn’t get enough screentime.
Day 25 - rec a fanfic or fanvid (or both).
Day 26 - something that you wish had never happened.
Day 27 - something that you wish had happened.
Day 28 - sexiest scene.
Day 29 - ickiest scene.
Day 30 - whatever tickles your fancy.

Day 1 - favourite female character.
Day 2 - favourite male character.
Day 3 - least favourite character.
Day 4 - favourite episode.
Day 5 - favourite season.
Day 6 - favourite couple.
Day 7 - least favourite episode.
Day 8 - least favourite couple.
Day 9 - favourite villain.
Day 10 - something you liked that most people didn’t.
Day 11 - something you hated that most people liked.
Day 12 - least favourite season.
Day 13 - favourite character arc.
Day 14 - a scene that made you laugh.
Day 15 - a scene that made you cry.
Day 16 - something that made you think “WTF?!”.
Day 17 - saddest character death.
Day 18 - best “Scooby Gang” line-up.
Day 19 - favourite Buffy moment.
Day 20 - favourite Willow moment.
Day 21 - favourite Xander moment.
Day 22 - favourite Giles moment.
Day 23 - wackiest-looking demon.
Day 24 - a character who didn’t get enough screentime.
Day 25 - rec a fanfic or fanvid (or both).
Day 26 - something that you wish had never happened.
Day 27 - something that you wish had happened.
Day 28 - sexiest scene.
Day 29 - ickiest scene.
Day 30 - whatever tickles your fancy.

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30 days of true blood, 30 days memes, tv: sanctuary, 30 days of angel, 30 days of buffy, tv: vampire diaries, tv: supernatural

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