Sunday Flotsam and Jestam

Oct 24, 2010 21:39

Wouldn't that be a great name for a band?


ABOUT MEEEEEE MEME swiped from woman_of_, for the "benefit" of my new friends:

1. I like cheese. No, okay, that's a serious understatement. I FREAKING LOVE CHEESE. I live in dire fear of developing lactose intolerance. My favorite cheese is a tie between feta and port wine. I hope in the future to explore some more exotic cheeses, especially goat cheeses.

2. I have Crohn's Disease. It's a sometimes debilitating, always kind of painful intestinal disorder that messes with my life alot. Hence the fact that I get grouchier and more hermit-y as I get older. That is too why! I'm actually lucky to receive good healthcare, and the treatment I'm receiving is keeping me from having to have surgery, or facing some of the horrors others with the disease face. *knocks on wood*

3. When it comes to religion, I consider myself an eclectic. I don't believe in an anthropomorphized deity, but I find precepts of neo-paganism and Buddhism helpful in daily living. Or, you know, in those proverbial foxhole situations. ;) I also believe that although there may be a larger power than ourselves in the universe, I don't think it could possibly be within our limited understanding, and saying that we *know* "God" and her/his/their/its will is the height of arrogance. Mostly I'm an angry agnostic with a bit of a thing against organized religions -- except UU's and Quakers, they're so nice -- as used by humans, usually against other humans. And that includes the aforementioned neo-paganism and Buddhism, which can have their share of oppressive practices.

4. My all time favorite movie remains Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I am one of those geeks who likes to sit and quote the dialogue while the movie's running. The Big Lebowski is a close second, and is becoming the same geeky experience.

5. I wear Birkenstocks all the time. I don't care if they're not in style, or if they carry stereotypical implications. I have a summer pair (the classic hippie sandals), and a fall/winter pair (clogs that serve well as work shoes too). The only time I don't wear them is when it's snowing outside, I'm exercising, or hiking -- I have books, sneakers and hiking boots for those. :D

6. I was born and raised on the Southeastern Connecticut shore, and although I've lived in Upstate New York for longer than I lived there, I still consider myself both an Ocean Baby and a New Englander.

7. I hope to go back to school someday and get a PhD, maybe in Literature. I wish I could stay in school for the rest of my life, because I love it.


Oh, Taylor Momsen, GO AWAY. You keep trying to be a cross between Wendy Williams and Marie Cherie, but all you look like is a typical idiot teenager... but a famous one, being a really loud idiot in a very big public eye.


Beck: 'I Haven't Seen A Half-Monkey, Half-Person Yet'

Oh my freaking God that asshole is an idiot. You know what's more annoying that ignorance, bigotry, and fear mongering? REALLY LOUD ignorance, bigotry and fear-mongering.

But I say that a lot, don't I.


30 Days Memes, DAY FOURTEEN

Your OTP: Romantically, I don't even know that I have one. I enjoy Eric/Godric in fic, and if I had to pick one of the main OTP's it would be Eric/Sookie, but I think I've said before I'm not crazy about Sookie, I just want more Eric, preferably naked. I like Lafayette/Jesus, too. My absolute OTP, however, has to be Eric & Pam Friendship. I just adore them.

a scene that made you laugh: Almost any scene between Angel and Spike in Season 5 cracked me up -- astronauts vs. cavemen remains a favorite. Spike's little speech in "In the Dark" still gives me a giggle, too. OH! My very favorite ever is poor Angel imagining himself dancing in She. Wow, there are really a lot of funny moments in this show. Pretty much the entirety of Smile Time, for example.

a scene that made you laugh: The Mayor's famous checklist: PTA Meeting? Check. Haircut? Check. Become Invincible? Check. And I confess that during season four and five, Spike was just freaking hilarious. In Pangs, for example, him freaking out over Buffy making the bear cracks me up.

Day 01- Your favorite female character
Day 02- Your favorite male character
Day 03- Your favorite couple
Day 04- Your favorite quote
Day 05- Your favorite promo for season 3
Day 06- Your favorite Lafayette/Tara moment
Day 07- Your favorite Eric/Sookie moment
Day 08- Your favorite Sookie/Bill moment
Day 09- Your favorite Eric/Bill moment
Day 10- Your favorite Sam/Sookie moment
Day 11- Your favorite Sookie Stackhouse moment
Day 12- A scene/moment that pissed you off
Day 13- A scene/moment that made you cry
Day 14- A scene/moment that made you happy
Day 15- Your OTP
Day 16- Your favorite episode
Day 17- Your least favorite episode
Day 18- Your least favorite character
Day 19- Your least favorite scene
Day 20- Your favorite villain
Day 21- Your favorite guest-star
Day 22- Your least favorite guest-star
Day 23- The character you most relate to
Day 24- The character you would like to hear/see more of
Day 25- Something that happened you wish hadn’t
Day 26- Something that hadn’t happened but you wish had
Day 27- Your idea for a future True Blood episode
Day 28- Your idea for a future True Blood character
Day 29- Your idea for a future True Blood couple
Day 30- Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 1 - favourite female character.
Day 2 - favourite male character.
Day 3 - least favourite character.
Day 4 - favourite episode.
Day 5 - favourite season.
Day 6 - favourite couple.
Day 7 - least favourite episode.
Day 8 - least favourite couple.
Day 9 - favourite villain.
Day 10 - something you liked that most people didn’t.
Day 11 - something you hated that most people liked.
Day 12 - least favourite season.
Day 13 - favourite character arc.
Day 14 - a scene that made you laugh.
Day 15 - a scene that made you cry.
Day 16 - something that made you think “WTF?!”.
Day 17 - saddest character death.
Day 18 - best “Team Angel” line-up.
Day 19 - favourite Cordy moment.
Day 20 - favourite Wesley moment.
Day 21 - favourite Gunn moment.
Day 22 - favourite Fred moment.
Day 23 - wackiest-looking demon.
Day 24 - a character who didn’t get enough screentime.
Day 25 - rec a fanfic or fanvid (or both).
Day 26 - something that you wish had never happened.
Day 27 - something that you wish had happened.
Day 28 - sexiest scene.
Day 29 - ickiest scene.
Day 30 - whatever tickles your fancy.

Day 1 - favourite female character.
Day 2 - favourite male character.
Day 3 - least favourite character.
Day 4 - favourite episode.
Day 5 - favourite season.
Day 6 - favourite couple.
Day 7 - least favourite episode.
Day 8 - least favourite couple.
Day 9 - favourite villain.
Day 10 - something you liked that most people didn’t.
Day 11 - something you hated that most people liked.
Day 12 - least favourite season.
Day 13 - favourite character arc.
Day 14 - a scene that made you laugh.
Day 15 - a scene that made you cry.
Day 16 - something that made you think “WTF?!”.
Day 17 - saddest character death.
Day 18 - best “Scooby Gang” line-up.
Day 19 - favourite Buffy moment.
Day 20 - favourite Willow moment.
Day 21 - favourite Xander moment.
Day 22 - favourite Giles moment.
Day 23 - wackiest-looking demon.
Day 24 - a character who didn’t get enough screentime.
Day 25 - rec a fanfic or fanvid (or both).
Day 26 - something that you wish had never happened.
Day 27 - something that you wish had happened.
Day 28 - sexiest scene.
Day 29 - ickiest scene.
Day 30 - whatever tickles your fancy.

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glenn beck: is an asshole, 30 days of true blood, 30 days memes, 30 days of angel, 30 days of buffy, about me meme

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