Happy Independence (Barbeque) Day, My Sister and Brother and Otherwise Americans!

Jul 04, 2009 13:38

Let's not forget the principles this Country was founded on: Freedom, equality, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. And let's not forget how many people, in our own country and around the world, DO NOT HAVE THESE THINGS.

Enjoy your pig parts.


You know, I'm so glad for my dad (rhyme!) getting his cataracts taken care of. He's very excited about how sharp and colorful his vision is, and I haven't seen him so happy about anything in quite a while. BUT JEEBUS H. TAPDANCING CHRIST ON A CRUTCH, why does the eye doctor NEVER see him after 9 am? WHY? WHHHYYYYYYYYYY?

I know, I got up at FUCKIN' A in the morning every day for years, but I never did it happily, and I never wanted to have to do it again. Eh, I'm just whiny because I couldn't sleep last night. The CPAP mask, which has been behaving fairly well of late (and now I just totally jinxed it) spent all last night pooting and farting and squeaking until I snarled at it and turned it off.



Fandom Meme Seen Here and There: Pass it on!

Give me a fandom (or 2 or 5) and I'll name:

Favorite character:
Least favorite character:
Character with the best hair:
Character with the best eyes:
Character with the best smile:
Character I'd most want to kiss:
Character I'd most likely have sex with:
Character I'd make lunch for:
Character I'd go singing in the rain with:
Character I'd go shopping with:
Character I'd go dancing with:
Character I'd take over the world with:
Character I most want to see more of:
Favorite pairing:
Least Favorite pairing:

Now post this in your journal!

Go ahead, gimme some.

ETA: So far I've done Supernatural, Dollhouse, Pirates of the Caribbean, Buffy and True Blood in the comments here. Other fandoms I'm into: Weeds, Merlin, Being Human, The L Word, Fringe. I'd take a whack at pretty much anything I've seen.


Okay, Weeds is the funniest fucking show I've seen in a good long time. Unfortunately, it also makes me sad that I have no weed. *sigh* It's also a really sad story. Good, but sad. And funny.

I'm about half through Season 2 now, and I think I have a new favorite show. I forgot to post this last night, I was so involved.



Sounds like an orgy at a con, doesn't it? *G*

Don't forget, today through Midnight on Monday:

BUT WAIT! NOW THERE'S EVN MOAR FEMSLASH! *jiggles. a lot* It's the:


Come on, ladies, let's show the ladies.... how to show... the ... other ladies? Some love.

Okay, look, I'm not a slogan writer, okay? ;) RITE MOAR FEMSLASH!

Now I'm off to write the completely random Megan Fox/Olivia Wilde RPF I'm working on. *G*


Finally: PRETTY DRAGONS! You may pet them, they don't bite. Unless you ask nicely and buy them dinner first. ;) Also please pet Eggy, as s/he needs to grow into a female so I can breed her with one of the fellas. Oh my Goddess, I can't believe I'm breeding imaginary dragons. Oh well. It's not the weirdest thing I've ever done around here.

femslash, dragon egg, meme, dragons, intl. day of femslash, femslash_today

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