Patriotism - Muppet Style! W00t!

Jul 04, 2009 21:45

Stolen directly from the delicious killerweasel:

image Click to view


I am in sad shape today, kids. For the FIVE MILLIONTH TIME in my life as a Dell laptop owner, the power cord has shat the bed on my laptop, and now I have no access to the material on the hard drive (unless I feel like pulling it out and plugging it in to an external hard drive rig) until I can get a new one. I'm using my parents' system right now, which has an AMAZING monitor, but the processor is so slow, you can't really watch videos online (except short ones like the above).

So my planned THREE femslash stories for the weekend may end up only being ONE femslash story, and the hot icons I made for it are currently inaccessible. *sigh* My family is cursed, ya'll. Srsly.


4th of july, whinging

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