The least interesting subject line ever.

Jul 02, 2009 22:55

Ahhhhhh. I finally got off my ass and moved back downstairs into the Pit for the summer. I've just been too lazy to drag all the stuff out of the living room upstairs. Today I just couldn't take my mother anymore -- just suffice to say that she would not shut up about the nitpickiest, most insane stuff, that it was either drag my ass, all my stuff, and the vacuum cleaner downstairs, or kill her.

So, I spent two hours vacuuming and moving and cleaning, and now I'm about ready to pass out but MAN is it worth it. It's cool and quiet, and I have my soft, squishy couch with all my stuff around me. But wait, it's even better than that. You guys would be embarrassed to know me if you could see me right this moment, sprawled out on my couch, laptop desk (sort of like one of those hospital bed tables, only of pretty wood that I keep polished) over me (so I'm lounging and typing) with a bottle of Pepsi Max next to the computer and a bag of hot Cheeto Fries ("$2.00 ONLY!" they declare proudly on the front, which makes me think the packaging was not designed by someone whose first language is English, but whatever.)

I AM THE QUEEN OF SLOTH. If I could be bothered to move at all, I would take a picture. But I'm just too comfortable to move that far. It's got to be at least two or three feet away, and I will have to roll my laptop desk away from myself, and LEAN OVER and OPEN THE BAG, and PULL OUT THE CAMERA. And then there's all that technical stuff like turning it on and opening the lenscap.... you know how it goes.

I lazee 2dy. Nap maybe. Bye.


Okay, I have to give Stephen Moyer some SERIOUS love for this. I may be an Eric Girl, but I have SUCH an appreciation for Moyer and what he brings to the role of Bill. This just makes me want to fangirl him. Hee.


Of course, I think the "Weak Tea" of vampires, or "the barely-deserves-to-be-called-a-vampire-at-all" of vampires is even more fitting.

Hey, speaking of how completely lame Edward is, why did no one tell me about THE MOST POPULAR BOOK IN THE WHOLE WORLD? Hee.


Finally, there is not enough love and SQUEE in the universe for the matrithon: The Pan-Fandom Women 40 And Over Ficathon<. I just posted 38 prompts (that means 38 awesome canonical characters over 40) from 13 different fandoms. And I tried hard to pick people that hadn't been represented yet -- there are dozens of others! I highly encourage all my wonderful sister fen to give one a try. I WANT TO DO ALL OF MINE. NO SRSLY. I may go insane before August. Probably unsurprisingly, the most of my prompts came from The L Word -- tons of awesome older ladies on there. Not the least of which being Bette Porter herself, the wonderous Jennifer Beals.

i am: the queen of sloth, matrithon, twilight sucks

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