this song is not about you l for sapphy

Jul 01, 2015 19:14

this song is not about you
krystal/jonghyun; pg (~980w)

A/N: I tried writing sungjoo/seulgi (cause I stan both, hard) but it failed and probably will never see the light of day. So I had no choice but to go back to basic and produce something with soojung bb in it. Jongstal is my brotp and there's an implied future/possible romance here but this was NOT creative in any way. IM SORRY SAPPHY but I welcome you to this cult with all these crazy, adorable people in it!

If only he wasn’t such a shit talker, Jonghyun wants to smack his head against the wall. And he would if lyrics would magically pour out of his ears.

Eighteen is a confusing age; they tell you you’re responsible for yourself as a full, grown adult now but Johghyun knew better than to accept it as so. So instead of dreaming about video games and toy guns, he contemplated love and considers adopting an existential crisis to pass the time. Maybe that will add to his artistic edge.

“Stop acting like some world renowned poet,” Soojung’s bitchy side is acting up again, “Lying around on the floor and posing every five seconds won’t put words onto paper.”

Jonghyun hears the sound of pages turning and it leaves him undecided whether she’s flipping through a copy of a trendy fashion magazine or studying
lines for her drama project; because that’s what she’s meant to be doing. He’s so going to tell on her if she’s procrastinating; her manager will just love that.

“You embarrass yourself all the time with cheesy lines,” She points out, starting
to sound a lot like his subconscious, “Not like it ever works but if you can come with those, you can write a love song.”

The problem is he can’t begin to think about love when he’s never encountered it. He begun to wax poetry about what colour he would see, how it would taste it, what it would feel like if he held in his hand. It was all so romantic that he could convince a teenage girl that he was more experienced than all the senior boys at their school combined. When in fact, a sixteen year old probably teach a thing or two - exhibit A: Lee Taemin and girlfriend a.k.a. Choi Jinri, exhibit B: Oh Sehun, who’s never dated
but could get himself any trainee girls without so much as trying and then there’s exhibit C: Jung Soojung.

He partly blames her for challenging him in the first place, especially when she knows what he’s like when faced with those. Now the producers are waiting for two pages of lyrics about a girl that doesn’t exist; our or in the imagination land (for the time being). Briefly, Jonghyun why Junmyeon hyung pines after her so much? Now that she’s sitting there with her usually pin straight hair piled up in a bun, biting her lips and looking like some act out of a high school melodrama, Jonghyun can somewhat understand the appeal. Not that he’d ever tell it to her face; Soojung already thinks (knows) she’s hot shit when puberty is still not even done giving its gift
to her. He wouldn’t write about just any other girl, but there is some muse-worthy potential there when she’s got her mouth shut.

“What kind of pretentious literature are you reading now?” Jonghyun snatches the worn out book from her grasp and is sure hell smug about it when she stares down at him with a glare.

“None of your business,” she grits spitefully, crossing her arms over her chest, “It’s in English so you wouldn’t understand it even if you tried.”

“Are you always this rude to all your oppas?” He tsked and throws himself on the empty spot on the couch where she’s resting her legs, lifting them onto his lap and resting his elbows on her bare flesh,
“Romeo and Juliette”

Soojung laughs, more mocking than humorous. “Your pronunciation makes it sound so cheap.”

“I didn’t think you’d be into love stories,” he says flippantly, dismissing her jab at his poor language skills, “Even though breaking hearts is basically your hobby now days.”

If only looks could kill, Jonghyun thinks but maintains a cheeky grin.

“Don’t give me that look,” he says with a lowered voice, “But back to the play
, do you think I live under a rock or something? Everybody knows what ‘Romeo and Juliette’ is about.”

She arches a skeptical brow. “Do you really know what it’s about? Or do you think you know?”

Returning to her, the same doubtful look, Jonghyun argues, “I do”

“No, you don’t.”

“I do, okay?”

“No, you really don’t,” Soojung shakes her head and with a condescending sigh, pulls the bundle of papers back from his hold, “I know you think it’s about meaningless, childish love but it’s about wanting so badly for your affection to be returned - to the point where you can barely think or even breathe. It’s never happened to me before but I hope that someday, I meet someone who’ll make me feel that same kind of thrill Shakespeare wrote about.”

Jonghyun blinks, then bursts into laughter. “You’re so full of shit.”

“Shut up”


Even if you say nothing, I know everything.
Your two eyes kindly expressed that you longed for me.
Now I can’t stop it. The habit of chasing you.

“Does this fully express that feeling you claim I would never understand as long as I lived?” Jonghyun asks, throwing up his legs on the desk, “I admit these lyrics weren’t that easy to write, took me almost a week to finish them.

He’s been waiting for days to see the look of bewilderment take over that self-satisfied expression that’s typically engrained onto her face. He couldn’t say why exactly but he was relieved to receive her approval; Soojung isn’t one to be easily impressed by anything or anyone. Although that one week thing was pretty much a lie, it took him a month and less than four hours of sleep in the last two weeks.

“I’ll even let you be in the music video if you ask nicely,” he offers

She tosses the music player onto his lap but smiles so wide it reaches her eyes. “Only if you pair me up with Minho oppa.”

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