Matthew's Rib, job stuff and Olivia

Oct 03, 2005 13:33

Well, I managed to pop a rib out of place this weekend (don't ask me how, I don't know). which has put me in a fair amount of pain. Went to the chiropractor this morning and they set things right, but I need to avoid pushing, pulling, lifting (basically anything useful) for the next couple days. Still in abit of pain, but hopefully that will subside in the next couple days.

Found out his past week that I didn't get the "Raleigh job"--made it past the first round, but as expected, the fact that I'm not in Raleigh weighed heavily against me. My three weeks of vacation is up after Tuesday, and I'm not really looking forward to going back. I think that I really need to step back and meditate a bit on my job and career and try to figure out what would make me the happiest (or happier), but honestly I don't know what good it would do right now--we can't afford to move, I can't afford to take a different job in town and even if I had a concrete list of "I need this to be satisfied" to take to my managers, I doubt that they could change much about our work situation to accommodate me, certainly not in the short run.

Life with Olivia is going okay. She's healthy and cute. Andrea and I particularly like watching her when she sleeps, when she makes all these faces as she dreams. Her list of activities has not moved past sleeping, feeding, fussing and making diapers yet, but we're hopeful that something a little more interactive will be coming along soon. We're still working out the day-for-night issues (she's usually pretty awake from midnight to 4 AM or so) and she's lately developed a bad habit of waking up whenever we set her down in the bassinet, so she's been sleeping at our side or in our arms. Any parents reading with suggestions, please post them. She's gotten bigger and we're looking forward to tomorrow's doc visit so we can find out how much. I feel only moderately useful with her at this point--so much of Olivia's focus when she's awake is on feeding and I am just not able to help out with that right now, but I do what I can: changing diapers, rocking her to sleep when she lets me, burping her, making sure that Andrea has some time for herself.

olivia, work, health

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