Post-con, blah blah

Mar 07, 2006 11:33

We survived the con, obviously. And I'm proud to say we made a profit. In fact, we did very well for such a small convention. Amusingly, Bo had badge #1 and mine was #2 just from pre-registering so early. The 'How to Draw' panel that I was told was to be held on Sunday, instead was scheduled for Saturday. Aside from a bit of flailing from lack of copy hand-outs and no pencils and paper as I was promised there would be, it went fairly well. Thanks to those who asked questions and wanted to discuss different aspects of the style. I would have PREFERRED it be on the day I was told so I would have been fully prepared, but, whatever. I survived. I was even applauded. I'd like to consider that a success.

One thing that may have hurt all of us artists is that the Artist Alley was tucked away into a room far from either dealer room entrance. Secluded as we were, few people even realized we were there. I made a sign for the door which brought some people in. Locating a wedge to open both the double doors helped a bit as well. Still, we didn't get nearly enough foot traffic, but this was their second year at the con. I'll forgive that mistake. I understand how difficult it can be to find an ideal location for the Artist Alley without violating fire codes.

Thus, sad to say, we didn't sell a significant number of keychains, but the feedback on them was positive. Hopefully, they'll sell better at conventions with higher attendance that aren't held on college campuses. Surprisingly, we received many high-priced commissions while at the table. One girl even dropped $60 alone! I'm very thankful for that and I greatly enjoyed doing the art for her.

The Luffy Munny didn't sell, but at $50 and without an art auction, I didn't expect it would. That, however, I can Ebay later or even save for A-kon. Perhaps I can make an entire series of the One Piece crew. A little Sanji Munny would be adorable.

So, we have ideas of what products we'd like for the next convention. We'll definitely be attending Naka-kon next year. We even gave serious thought to ACEN this year, thanks to some people willing to split room costs with us. But Artist Table registration is closed, so it wouldn't really be worthwhile for us. If we can save the money for A-kon, that's for the best.

I'm really looking forward to A-kon this year too. Just the more exposure I'm getting to conventions, the more routine and enjoyable they are. Sure, there are some moments where I'm absolutely flabbergasted by those running the con. And yes, the slobbering, mouth-breathing otaku that stand around and talk to me for 30 minutes about their brilliant AU OCs are a bit off-putting, but you know, the atmosphere is such a super-charged and creative one, that I walk away with such a sense of fulfillment. I'm utterly exhausted at the end of it all, but fulfilled. Even now I want to put in hours more work on art and just crank out product for people's enjoyment, but I think it's best I rest and recoup for a couple of days. Then it's back to work.

People keep insisting I do original webcomics. ^^;;; Seriously! We're working on that! Really really really!

The real winners are those who say they will never sign-up to run a panel and end up walking in to one and conducting it all on their own even when the person in charge has arrived late. That'll be one memory I'll take away from this convention. That and all my friends around the table. Such great fun.

naka-kon, art, work, convention

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