The Woes of Mrs. Weasley

Nov 07, 2004 12:24

The chapters start getting long here.
I keep meaning to do Lexicon style headings: In which Harry is an asshat, Molly cries and Remus is saintly.

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Comments 18

sistermagpie November 7 2004, 11:36:28 UTC
I haven't read this week's chapter yet, but my few comments just from reading yours ( ... )


sistermagpie November 7 2004, 11:47:19 UTC
Oh, and about the paitning, I know this is just my own bias talking, but I do have this hidden desire that the portrait could be Draco if he's sniggering during the Prefect scene and suggesting Harry is mad. Of course there's many reasons for this not to be true, particularly the fact that perhaps Harry should recognize his voice...but still. If it was him it's not like it wouldn't be fair: he is a Black, he would love to eavesdrop, and Harry has yet to really make the connection that he's part of the family (later it's that connection that will cause his big tragedy when Kreacher goes to Narcissa). It doesn't seem quite like Phineas, but we know portraits can visit back and forth ( ... )


merrymelody November 8 2004, 02:27:57 UTC
That's the great thing about it - as far as I can tell, there's no limits on who could be behind it. As long as they've had a portrait painted in the house (so they'd presumably have to be Black kin, not like, Voldemort or something) they could presumably use it - could even swap over if they want (Phineas, you take the 1-4 shift, Narcissa can pop in the evening, Draco can just snigger happily all day ( ... )


fyrdrakken November 13 2004, 19:36:47 UTC
'Cept I seem to dimly recall this turning out to be the very portrait of Phineas that allowed Dumbledore to use him as a "messenger" between Hogarts and Grimmaud Place.


sistermagpie November 13 2004, 19:39:26 UTC
Really? Got me there, then! The comment definitely sounds like Phineas--it was the sniggering that didn't sound like him. Actually, it made me wonder if there was a portrait of Crabbe or Goyle in the house!

But I wonder, then, why he's not actually in the portrait.


t0ra_chan November 7 2004, 12:07:40 UTC
Lots of interesting points here. I completely forgot that invisible painting. You know what, I bet it's Phineas. Laughing at Harry and that comment at the end really sound like him.

About Hermione's great insight: Her dissecting Cho like that without ever having talked to her bothered me too. I thought this was supposed to be one of her faults that she isn't so good with people? And about the house elves? Well, it's not like she cares much about them on a more personal level, seeing as she ignores Winky.

The prefect badge: Honestly, I like Ron, but I don't see him as a prefect. I think Dean or Seamus would have done a much better job, seeing as they don't get in trouble all the time, do well in classes and seemed to be well liked.


merrymelody November 8 2004, 02:11:40 UTC
I wonder if different members of the family can hide behind it. Like, one moment it could be Phineas, next Mrs. Black, even Narcissa!

I thought this was supposed to be one of her faults that she isn't so good with people?Exactly. I really liked it in PoA when one of the Gryffindor girls was crying over her bunny and Hermione was completely pissing her off by being all logical and CSI about how it died in order to disprove Trelawney ( ... )


t0ra_chan November 13 2004, 03:25:25 UTC
Something I missed before.
* '...what colour would you like?'

Molly's a little more considerate here than previously.

Well, how about something different than maroon? Jeez, he has maroon jumpers, dress robes, pyjamas and now even his socks are maroon. Is it just me or does this reek of passive-aggressiveness to the extreme? Or is this supposed to be some kind of stupid running gag? I mean, it's pointed out twice that Ron's socks are maroon.


fyrdrakken November 13 2004, 19:39:19 UTC
I can imagine a busy mother color-coding her kids' stuff to A) make it easier to sort belongings after washing them and B) take some of the guesswork out of making/buying new things, but a pity she didn't let them pick colors they like. (Unless it's that all the good colors were claimed by the time sixth-son Ron came along.)


merrymelody November 8 2004, 03:12:16 UTC
And seriously, what is the difference between Ginny and the Twins? Ginny's a girl and is viable for a romance with Harry; but if that's the only purpose her character serves that can't be fulfilled by Fred and George, then JKR might as well write Harry/Twins. She's merely them with breasts.

That's how we know he was a good guy, because he never actually rose through the ranks or anything, he just goofed around and was made Super Cool Head of Everything in 7th year because he'd probably achieved the development Dumbledore was waiting for. Honestly, wouldn't you be pissed off if you had been a Prefect at Hogwarts in those days?God, yes. I would laugh my ass off if he was awarded it for the exact same reason the Gryffindors got the House Cup in PS - a heroic act having nothing to do with school whatsoever (in this case, saving Snape's life ( ... )


merrymelody November 8 2004, 03:12:45 UTC
Lupin's line about, "What do you think we'd do, let them starve?" is pretty damned funny considering who it's coming from. How well have the Order been taking care of him for the past 15 years, huh?

Imagine Lupin and Sirius being responsible for a child. I doubt it would be some idealised NA style happy families - Sirius would be strangling the kid and having temper tantrums every second day; Lupin would be responsible and caring until he thought the kid might affect his livelihood or damage his bond of trust with others, then he'd be risking it's life. If I were Molly and Arthur, I'd feel safer just buying a Rottweiler as nanny.

You know, as odd as it sounds, I don't buy Molly seeing Harry dead in the Boggart scene. It's a misstep, imo. I don't think JKR should be mushing together Molly's feelings for Harry with her feelings for her own kids in that type of situation.No, I didn't like that ( ... )


askmehow February 2 2005, 20:21:18 UTC
I was just re-reading this chapter, and this is what I found:
  • ...[Harry] could not believe that [Lucius] was here, in the Ministry of Magic, or that Cornelius Fudge was talking to him, when Harry had told Fudge mere weeks ago that Malfoy was a Death Eater.

    So, clearly, if *Harry* said so... *headdesk(x)1000*

  • [Harry:]'...if Fudge is meeting Death Eaters like Malfoy... how do we know they haven't put the Imperius Curse on him?'
    [Arthur:]'...Dumbledore thinks Fudge is acting of his own accord at the moment...'

    I call "It's in the Script!" here. What basis *in fact* does Dumbledore have for this opinion?

  • I also call "Nut o' Fun" on the wastepaper basket that chews up and then later coughs up the bag of owl droppings; it distracted me a bit from Harry's "oh let me trample on my bestest friends' *one* moment of glory independent of me" spiel.

  • If he had known the prefects' badge was on its way, he would have expected it to come to him, not Ron.Interestingly worded. Note how Harry expects prefectship to the exclusion of Ron's own. It's ( ... )


merrymelody February 2 2005, 21:44:05 UTC
So, clearly, if *Harry* said so...

Hee. Yup. How dare Lucius Malfoy even dare look him in the face, outragedsuperioritycakes!11
I'm never that sympathetic to Harry and his ultimate betrayal in Fudge, considering he seemed to like the guy fine while he was excusing his every action (We don't send celebrities people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts!), buying him books and introducing him to politicians at the QWC. Boo hoo, the gravy train ended.

And yes, the prefect situation is so lame.
Especially considering how many people loathe Ron for being jealous of Harry, but somehow Harry's 'Hee, hee, no-one would want loser Ron to do anything, when they could have me' escapes censure.
And the whole dinner, which is all about 'Let's reassure Poor Harry that he deserves it much more, but anyway, it's not important, cause he's too cool and has too many much more important things to do.
Not to mention Dumbledore's end speech, which basically confirms all Harry's most arrogant suspicions.

Conveniently, he forgets that, in more than one ( ... )


askmehow February 2 2005, 22:17:13 UTC
  • And the whole dinner, which is all about 'Let's reassure Poor Harry that he deserves it much more, but anyway, it's not important, cause he's too cool and has too many much more important things to do.

    I've now gotten to the next chapter, and the bit where Ron says, "I'm not enjoying [being prefect], I'm not Percy." and then Harry saying that he knows made me want to get my smiting stick out, because OH DEAR JEEBUS! Well would you look at that, JKR made me resort to the CAPSLOCK OF DOOM!!1!1

  • Not to mention all that stuff about 'If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us first!'.

    *snerk* Damn them for being loyal and supportive! Bastards...

  • Perhaps there'll be comparisons to Harry and his great-uncle, who just happened to be brave and kind and true. Or he could be the Heir of Gryffindor! *vomits*

    Maybe... Godric *was* his great-uncle (several centuries removed). Dun dun DUN!
Thanks for finding me the link! *runs off to read*


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