The Woes of Mrs. Weasley

Nov 07, 2004 12:24

The chapters start getting long here.
I keep meaning to do Lexicon style headings: In which Harry is an asshat, Molly cries and Remus is saintly.

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merrymelody November 8 2004, 02:27:57 UTC
That's the great thing about it - as far as I can tell, there's no limits on who could be behind it. As long as they've had a portrait painted in the house (so they'd presumably have to be Black kin, not like, Voldemort or something) they could presumably use it - could even swap over if they want (Phineas, you take the 1-4 shift, Narcissa can pop in the evening, Draco can just snigger happily all day!)
And I do think it's something they should watch - all the 'waging war' on the house symbolically, and they completely forgot that the house's "rightful" occupants (Kreacher, Narcissa, Draco) are still alive.
All three have been dismissed - Kreacher's 'just' an old elf, and a pathetic one at that (everyone laughs at the idea that he's 'crawled off' to die, he cries angrily and Sirius kicks him); Narcissa's husband recieves all the speculation whereas her own political sympathies or position are never even considered until she makes them clear; Draco's a source of 'detached satisfaction' for Harry.
Meanwhile, they're working their asses off behind the scenes, and at least one person has died thanks to said machinations.
It just makes me laugh, the idea that the Order are once again overlooking something literally right under their noses - no matter who is in the blank painting (could be no-one at all!) it's such a clear security problem along with the others (look at how easily Phineas can travel from one frame to another. And of course, Mrs. Black has been present a lot of the time, and who says that Narcissa doesn't have a niiiice big picture of good old aunty in the Manor?)
I was also curious as to why Harry couldn't/didn't identify the voice as male or female, just 'sly'.


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