The Woes of Mrs. Weasley

Nov 07, 2004 12:24

The chapters start getting long here.
I keep meaning to do Lexicon style headings: In which Harry is an asshat, Molly cries and Remus is saintly.

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merrymelody February 2 2005, 21:44:05 UTC
So, clearly, if *Harry* said so...

Hee. Yup. How dare Lucius Malfoy even dare look him in the face, outragedsuperioritycakes!11
I'm never that sympathetic to Harry and his ultimate betrayal in Fudge, considering he seemed to like the guy fine while he was excusing his every action (We don't send celebrities people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts!), buying him books and introducing him to politicians at the QWC. Boo hoo, the gravy train ended.

And yes, the prefect situation is so lame.
Especially considering how many people loathe Ron for being jealous of Harry, but somehow Harry's 'Hee, hee, no-one would want loser Ron to do anything, when they could have me' escapes censure.
And the whole dinner, which is all about 'Let's reassure Poor Harry that he deserves it much more, but anyway, it's not important, cause he's too cool and has too many much more important things to do.
Not to mention Dumbledore's end speech, which basically confirms all Harry's most arrogant suspicions.

Conveniently, he forgets that, in more than one instance, he faced the final danger/baddie *because* Ron and Hermione sacrificed themselves strategically so he could reach the final destination unharmed. Way to be objective and grateful there, Harry.

Totally! Like, what assholes they were, slacking off by having their legs broken and getting petrified. Not to mention all that stuff about 'If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us first!'.

Note how Lily isn't once mentioned

Harry's suprisingly uncurious about his mother. He doesn't look for her in the Pensieve memory, either, iirc.
I'm not fond of Harry/Lily comparisons, though, since the basis behind 90% of them appears to be 'Everyone repeatedly compared James to Harry, however, since we now know him to be an asshat; Harry can't possibly have any similarities to him at all, since Harry is everything that's good and pure in the world. Hence, Harry is just like his mother, who coincidentally, was also perfect.'
God knows what will happen if Lily is also revealed to be *gasp* human. Perhaps there'll be comparisons to Harry and his great-uncle, who just happened to be brave and kind and true. Or he could be the Heir of Gryffindor! *vomits*

Note how to Molly, her family is 'this lot', while Harry is a 'dear'. Serious issues...

She's just like Petunia, except she spoils the interloper and resents her natural children, rather than vice versa.

*smites nothingbutfic for changing frames* ;)


askmehow February 2 2005, 22:17:13 UTC
  • And the whole dinner, which is all about 'Let's reassure Poor Harry that he deserves it much more, but anyway, it's not important, cause he's too cool and has too many much more important things to do.

    I've now gotten to the next chapter, and the bit where Ron says, "I'm not enjoying [being prefect], I'm not Percy." and then Harry saying that he knows made me want to get my smiting stick out, because OH DEAR JEEBUS! Well would you look at that, JKR made me resort to the CAPSLOCK OF DOOM!!1!1

  • Not to mention all that stuff about 'If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us first!'.

    *snerk* Damn them for being loyal and supportive! Bastards...

  • Perhaps there'll be comparisons to Harry and his great-uncle, who just happened to be brave and kind and true. Or he could be the Heir of Gryffindor! *vomits*

    Maybe... Godric *was* his great-uncle (several centuries removed). Dun dun DUN!
Thanks for finding me the link! *runs off to read*


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