Dec 28, 2015 19:00
I open the back door to the garage first thing in the morning to look at the cat who has adopted us. A white furry little face looks up at me from a goose down comforter and still he shakes as its cold. Its 32 °. A sneeze escapes him. He's excited to see me and though I gesture for him not to get out of his warm bed, he springs out to come rub against my legs. He's such a friendly little cat that you can't help but to fall in love with him. I want so badly to bring him inside the house but he would freak out. I closed the side door to the garage once and his eyes grew wide and he began to back away from me as if he thought I was about to cook him. I gave him a litter box to keep him from having to go out into the rain but he doesn't seem to know what it is - still he is such a good boy that he never pee's in the garage.
I can't help but to look into that sweet little face every day and wonder what Kind of arse hole would either leave their cat out in this kind of weather or abandon him in an area that gets this cold so close to winter. Its apparent he had owners as he is so loving. I hold his little purring face in my hands and ask him all types of questions about where he came from and how he got here but all he does is look at me with half lids before pressing his nose to mine. Damn you cat... I think you found a home here.
The husband was adamant, "don't pet that cat", Too late, but I have also caught him reaching down to scratch that little head. When I got to work today I texted him, "Did you see that sad little face freezing in the garage this morning when you left?" "Ya... I saw him" " I know he cant come in side but do you think he is warm enough? I think he needs a proper cat bed.. something with a hood or thats deep enough to burrow into." "grrr.... I will stop on the way home and pick him up a bed" What a good husband I have.
I worry about that stupid cat all day at work. The minute I come home I scoop him up. Before today he would never allow me to actually pick him up off the ground but he's so cold he folds into my body. I am falling for this cat. He has won me over. I even lay on the cold floor in the garage to press myself against his little body. I am a dork.