Dec 29, 2015 19:12
Was odd to wake up and see our grass covered in a thin white layer of ice this morning. Of course I had to run to check on Gypo. He was neatly tucked up into his new fleece lined bed, snug as a bug in a rug and thats fine by me. He kinda reminds me of "Simon's Cat"- everytime I see the new cat he seems to be pointing to his mouth for food and he is by no means a skinny little thing. I always wondered... does the cat food industry have all of us secretly fooled and all the cat food really taste all the same? Do they simply change the name on the bag or can and state its "Chicken" or "Beef" when it's really all the same thing crunchy morsels? I always wanted to start my own pet food company and have flavors a cat REALLY can relate to and like such as "Mouse", "Baby bird","Trash-bruille" but then it would also mean I needed to have someone test it out and see if I got the flavoring right and so far I don't have any volunteers. (Except maybe Gypo... he seems to eat anything) .... OMG, am I becoming the crazy cat lady? the kind that all they can talk about is their cats?
Sadly nothing worth while has happened lately that I can blog about however I want to get back into the habit of blogging as I let it go for way too long. I'm not making it a new years resolution or anything... I have never been a big fan of that. I know it works for some people but I have never been good at stopping are starting anything on the appointed day and cold turkey has never been a good thing for me..... hmmm... I wonder where the saying "going cold turkey" came from? Maybe my new years resolution should be to make up some weird arse saying like that and see how far I can spread it. OR make up a bogus origin for "cold turkey" and see how many people I can get to believe it.