In case you've missed
what's going on... Today's theme are a bunch of links that made me "D=" when I saw them. It's full of people (and some animals) doing things, thinking things, going through things, and making things that just oh-wow theywentthere. In my linkies folder, in the custom descriptions I wrote, most of them had some kind of capslock and/or sad face next to them
*. Even if you have not much else to write; if you left me a comment with just "D=" if any of them made you sad face, it would make me delighted. Please. Especially since it meant that going through these links again made me D: all over again.
A number of these links are also NSFW due to being rather graphic in nature. Then again, I'm banking on at least half of these causing you to D:. Which is now a verb. Viewer discretion is generally advised.
Let's start super light today, before I mind-fuck you: teen in bomb plot wanted to die, and then kill Jesus. My apologies to the person(s) who share the name with this: there's a new, over-the-counter weight-loss drug called "alli" out on the market, that has one itty bitty side effect. It's quite minor, no need to worry, none at all... it'll just cause you TO SHIT OIL. How 'bout some baby head candles? They can stare at you until it's nothing but a blob of wax and a pair of eyes. From the world of science, a new, ancient species of scorpion has been found. The kicker? You'll just have to check out the side-by-side comparison. Meet Lina Medina. In 1938, she was five years old, living in Peru, and was heavily pregnant. Now, how CREEPY do you like it? Here's the famously eerie tale of nine dead Russian hikers, with all the bizarre details you can handle. Hey, wikipedia says it true. D: Wait... you're having a WHAT party? What the... how the HELL does one dog end up looking that bad and surviving? Talking about survivors again, here's Dave Holland's story, which made me go "OH HOLY HELL, FUCK NO." Considering, you would have never guessed what he went through by just looking at his picture on the front page of the link. DO NOT DO THIS TO YER DOG. Yes. The dog is real. Yes. The woman is real. Since the title of the article is going to give away the punchline, I'll just write it here now: "Pet creepy-crawlies eat human owner." Clock spider. That is all. (The first comment on the thing, though, is epic: "I woulda removed the clock... not by taking it off the wall, but by setting my house on fire and never living anywhere near that location ever ever again.") This... I... poor puppy. But it lived... that's what counts... right? OH HOLY HELL, NOT IN THE EYE. ...I'm done. That's it. Hope you enjoyed your mind-rape today.
* As you can see here: